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   "Do you think she'll even talk with Madja?", Mor was speaking with her High Lord when they got far enough from the room.

  Ryshand sighed out, "We can try. She may be able to stand, but Madja only was able to quickly check up on her. Her injuries are serious."

Sage had fallen asleep on the window seal. She never tried to leave out the door again, the last time frightened her to stay put. But the outside breeze was more than what she'd been used to, so she took advantage of it.

From a distance, Ryshand had told Cassian to keep an eye on her, just incase, she'd decide to pull another case. He kept far to prevent from startling her, but Sage was still able to seek him out. Even in her resting phase, that voice in her head played as a protective agent.

  It was morning when the sun beat down on her. She bathed in the heat. Her skin that was sickly pale from natural sunlight was quickly recovering. Only a day passed of her soaking in the sun, and her smooth brown skin that she'd bee used to was starting to return.

As she gazed out the window, she had enough of not knowing who was watching her every move.

"If you can hear me, showing yourself would make this less creepy.", she said. And when her voice died out into the warm air, she gave them 5 minutes before she went for her next tactic.

Without a word, Sage stood from her chair and started to climb out the window. Making it look as if she was ready to jump out again. And not even half way out, she heard the beat of wings growing louder in a high speed.

She only stopped persisting when he showed his face. Like a bat his hovered in a spot close enough for her to get a visual. She recognized him to be the same man from the first time. His wings evenly beat, but his eyes looked frightened as if she really was going to take another fall. But when she started to settle back in her chair, his eyes widened.

His hair was long, reaching his shoulders with a mocha hue. It slightly stained red from the high sun. His body was covered in the most warrior like clothing she'd ever seen.

"Do I have to jump out for anyone to have decency to greet themselves. My hero.", she stared at him, nothing but abandon in her voice. Like she had already given up her chance at being anything but a captive for the remainder of her life. The male's eyes were the male's eyes were similar to her own, a blend of gold, brown and green.

Cassian seeing her again, his mind only replayed the shriek she let out in his grasp. He felt haunted and so cautious to even look at her a certain way. He kept his distance from the window, but Sage had not shown any signs of her earlier panic. He noticed her hair cut.

  The curls framing her face, partially covering her eyes as she peered at him through the coils. Her skin looked healthier in a manner of days. Like her body was trying to put in the effort to get better no matter how she felt. The one thing however that hadn't changed was her figure. Still starved.

He couldn't see it from the hair masking her forehead, but he could tell she rose an eyebrow.

"Cassian", he said. He made sure to keep his voice from how everyone else hears him as. The tough authoritative tone would not be smart at all.

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