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As the dinner progressed, Sage continued to get more antsy. She couldn't avoid Rhysand as he sat next to Feyre. She closed her eyes, trying to find what would distract her, but her distraction was dead. Because of him. It all led to the High Lord and she was struggling to keep herself under control.

Avahi wanted a big family like this. Though of course because their parents were absent, he wanted more thn just one kid. He wanted a few. And of course there was the case that neither of them had blood siblings. But Sage had the Archerons and he had his close friends. They were willing to make it work. Provide their kids with what they never had. A family to surround them with love. Just like this. A dinner table filled with their loved ones.

"Pssst.", Feyre once again gathered Sage's attention. She hummed mindlessy looking up with a tired expression. Despite sleeping all day, she was still tired. She didn't know if she'd ever not be tired again. Rope marks were permanently scarred on her ankles and legs reminding her of exactly why.

Feyre signed, she never took on the habit of mouthing the words, but Sage knew enough to just read her hands.

"Are you okay? You look dazed."

Sage blinked and put on a small smile and nodded. But she wasn't. She knew she wasn't. But there was no point to admitting it when she had it set and stone that she'll never be okay. Not in this life at least.

"So, Feyre has told a lot of stories about you.", Cassian spoke up. Sage sighed and picked at her food.

"Did she really?", This dinner was carrying on for too long. She wanted to leave, at this point she didn't care if she talked to Feyre after or not. It was draining keeping herself content. And like Barachiel had said, her powers have been stirring in her for too long. She needed to be released and though she would love to burn the entire room, she didn't wish to hurt Feyre or Nesta. The rest were good riddance.

"I've bragged about you yes. Like remember how long it took for you to teach me archery?", Sage could hear Feyre's smile. She could see Feyre's smile. She was happy here. Surrounded by them.

But Sage was sinking further into herself by the minute. It felt like she was watching everything from within body. Like a turtle shrunk into its shell, leaving behind what she want to be seen.

And she heard an echo of her own voice responding to Feyre's question, "About 2 years.", her answer was short and sweet. Not too much that she had to elaborate, but she didn't want to continue this conversation.

"Yea, and I once a missed a target and it startled our horses in the woods. We had to walk the entire way back. Took almost three hours. We got hungry and she managed to convince a trader that her bow was an ancient artifact, and we were able to buy food and two new horses.", Feyre continued with amusement. Mor and Cassian chuckled at that. Rhys smiled and Azriel scoffed.

Sage remembers that.

And later that same day, she purposefully set some aside to give to Avahi. They enjoyed a picnic that night. She shifted in her chair, with another fake smile, "The trader was gullible, it wasn't all me."

She reached over for the wine again and filled her third glass. Cassian and Azriel watched her intently as she stared at the table like she was in a daze and took a sip. And for the first time Azriel said something to her.

Betrayed [Lucien x OC]Where stories live. Discover now