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(Highly suggest re-reading chapter 7 ;)  + Long chapter.


125  years later

No one could of prepared Sage for all that came with being fae.

And to think she can say she is over 100 years old doesn't pass over her head. It's something she would catch herself thinking about. And how fast the time passed.

Though every year, month, second... since the war she doesn't regret one thing. To wake up to her mate who was away in the mortal lands for the time being and knows he is coming back home to her.

Once she accepted the mating bond, Sage was afraid that things would change drastically. Like she would be dependent on him or their relationship would change. But in truth, the only thing that changed was for the better. It was a couple of weeks filled with pure bliss.

Like her age, that moment all together was something she'd catch herself thinking about.

"Sage?", she snapped out of it and looked upon the group of children staring up at her. Some confused, others still tending to their necklaces.

She was holding onto the box of beads ready to hand them out as they prepared their string, when she fell back into her thoughts. As the kids reeled her in Sage apologized and held out the box for them to pick out their arrangements of colors and shapes.

After the war, a lot of things changed. Especially the following years after. Tarquins court had finally recovered from the bloody battle. It flourished with a newly full and developed army all thanks to her father from reinforcing new soldiers. Tarquin too received support from the other courts to speed up the progress.

Through all that, what Sage came to realize when speaking with Lucien and the Commander was the family's that had been affected from the loss of a spouse or father. Leaving homes with no one for support or no one acting as a parental figure.

She initially took to each individual house for assistance, finding any way she can help. Relaying her condolences, until the numbers racked up about how many families truly were impacted.

While being the Cauldrons keeper, there were only so many things she could do about the aftermath of those families whose loved one had passed. She brought the issue to Tarquin, and all she asked was permission to construct a facility to assist those families in need. Nothing more as she would do the rest.

Of course he granted her, not really knowing what it means to deny Sage. Her requests were always for someone else, or to better those around her since the war.

So while Lucien was tending to his duties during the day, Sage was either in another court working with the High Lords, or at her care center that has expanded from just families in need of assistance of any kind, to an orphanage.

She understands what it's like to be left alone. Having to fight for herself and how hard it is. So she favors being here. Being with the kids who lost their homes or family. Unfortunately new children come in all the time whether dropped off anonymously or found. But she and those working alongside her take care of them as if they were there own.

The kids loved when she visited when she found the time. This particular day she was helping them make necklaces and many of the younger kids were just playing with the string while the toddlers were taking it a little more seriously.

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