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Sage was sitting on the forest ground. Out of breath. Her head was thrown back as she supported her body by her hands.

Her hair she pulled up halfway through the training, forming a white and black pineapple. Her body sleek with sweat.

"I said my powers.... We've done everything but that.", she fell flat on her back. "It's been 3 hours."

She heard Barachiel chuckle and the light crunch of leaves as he walked over to her. They returned back to the forest right outside of the House of Wind. The sun was beaming through the trees, one ray of sunlight directly in line with her face. It flowed from the contact and she scrunched her lids as she felt it through her closed eyes.

"You need to strengthen your body before you can handle anything. And like I said millions of times.... you need to control your emotions."

"So what's the goal here?", she lifted herself on her elbows. Squinting her eyes as she stared up a Barachiel. He loomed over her wearing a blank, expression.

"Are you angry at me?", he crossed his arms. Barachiel, though confirmed to be a true angel, she was surprised this was the first time she was witnessing the angel like abilities.

Sage was the only one covered in sweat, though they've been doing the same thing. He was wearing a long sleeve black shirt paired with black pants like it was nothing. While Sage took to a black tank top and black training pants, and there was still a clear difference in who was being effective by the rigorous training.

"Moderately tempered.", she said with a roll of her eyes.

"Good.", Barachiel clasped his hands behind his back and started walking around till his feet were directly behind her head. Sage looked up behind her, squinting her eyes.


"Mhmm.", he nodded, "You see being in your mind for as long as I have I've learned a lot about you. It's interesting."

"And what have you learned. Other than all my personal memories I've tried to keep a secret my entire life.", she said sarcastically sitting up. She crossed her legs and started working on her technique that Barachiel started with.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, lowering the dam that was blocking her powers from being released. And released, feeling the sparks crackle in her hands. She kept repeating it only because it felt relaxing. Like she was stretching tight muscles.

Barachiel watched with amusement. Seeing she's mastered that little bit. In fact, Sage has a managed to do everything he said perfectly. In a manner of a few tries, she understands how to position herself, move her limbs, and fight strategically.

"You have trouble expressing your emotions.", he said. "And when you finally do.... It turns out being an attempted murder in the High Lord."

"And he deserves it.", Sage said, but just proved his point. At the mention, the small crackles, turned in to a large white orb, beaming like a polished diamond. She opens her eyes and looked at it, quickly blowing at it to get it away.

Barachial chuckled as he leaned down and did the same. And of course when he did it, the smoke broke apart. Sage watched as it started flowing away from her and to the tree that was in front of her.

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