Chapter one

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Y/N had always been deemed a strange girl, all because of the way she acts. She's never really acted weird, she just shows less emotion than other kids her age.

Usually, at the age of eight, children would be playing outside with their friends or with dolls, or maybe just running around in general, but that wasn't the case for Y/N. She never saw the point in playing outside, I mean, what's fun about getting dirty and draining all your stamina just for a game of tag?

Her brother, Keisuke Baji, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of her. He loved playing outside. Being wild and carefree, not caring what other people thought of him because he had his best friends by his side so he didn't give a damn what anyone thought as long as he has them on his side.

His older sister, Y/N Baji, means the world and more to him. He treasures her like a piece of gold he found out of pure luck. They were inseparable since the day Keisuke was born.

Keisuke was the only exception for Y/N. That is until her best friend came along at the age of nine, Ayato Igarashi.

It all started with Y/N sitting in the park because she was forced to watch over Keisuke even though he can defend himself against bullies, nonetheless, she had obligated because she couldn't say no to her mother.

"Hey is someone sitting here?" A boy with medium-length black hair asked. She didn't say anything, rather she moved more to the left to give the tall nine-year-old space to sit.

"Not a big talker huh?" He looked at her expressionless face and wondered if she was new here, he had never seen her before because he would have remembered such an intimidating face. Yet he never felt threatened or scared, but felt rather welcomed by her presence. She had a kind of comfortable aura, the opposite of her expression. He decided to become her friend right then and there.

"Hey, do you maybe wanna be friends?" He asked with a closed eye smile, basking in the most respectful yet friendly way possible. She turned her head towards him, making eye contact, the dead look still lingering on her face "No, I'm good" she said standing up and walking over to her brother signaling to him that it was time to leave.

The black-haired boy stood there, dumbfounded at her dullness, but he wasn't giving up that easily. And so, he tried again the next day, only to find the park empty. She didn't come.

Same with the day after that and the day after that.

It's been two weeks, and no sign of the girl he so badly wanted to be friends with. He almost gave up, until he saw a familiar figure walk through the entrance of the park.

He blushed in excitement as he ran towards the girl, waving to her uncontrollably. She stood there, a bit shocked but didn't show it. Why was he here? She thought as the boy stopped in front of her.

"Hi, I'm the boy from the other day, remember?" He asked cheerfully, practically jumping with excitement.
She looked at the familiar boy with her mouth slightly agape

"Yeah, I do" she admitted, walking past him to the bench where they had first met. Taking a seat, she saw the boy in the corner of her eye sitting next to her "Yes?" She quirked an eyebrow at him.

"I wanna be your friend," He said, with determination on his face.

She sighed at the boy's persistence "You're not gonna give up, are you?" She assumed, looking at her brother who was playing soccer. He smiled at her "Nope!" Hearing this, the girl sighed in defeat and looked up at him.

"Fine, Hey, I'm Y/N Baji" she introduced herself first "Hello, I'm Ayato Igarashi" She shook her hand roughly due to all the excitement be was feeling.

And that's how the two became the friends they are today.

Y/N had never thought that she would care about anyone as much as she did Ayato and Keisuke. They're her favorite people and the only ones who understand her.

She wouldn't trade them for the world.

Ayato and Keisuke became friends after Y/N invited him to her house the following week and they seem to get along well.

When they turned 16, just a year ago, Ayato came out to her as an aro-ace. She didn't understand, so he explained to her.

"A person whose aro-ace doesn't feel any romantic feelings toward others, nor do they have any desire to have a relationship or sexual intercourse"

Once she understood, it all made sense as to why he didn't have any crushes growing up. Well neither did Y/N but that's just because she finds crushes to be a waste of time and feelings.

She, of course, accepted him with open arms, leaving the boy a crying mess but that was okay because she was still there to comfort him.

She was kinda happy to hear that because that means, no girl drama. Something she doesn't have the energy for.

Nonetheless, she still loved him as he is and nothing will change that. Of course, she didn't tell him that but it was what she felt.

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