Chapter Eight

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It's been two weeks since the deal started, and we've been making some progress.

That's a lie. There's been no progress whatsoever.

Aoi doesn't even look in Rindou's direction. She's still as infatuated with Ran as she was the first time I heard about it, if not worse.

She even started following him around the school like a lost, hopeless puppy. Talk about shameless.

This didn't go unnoticed by Rindou, though. In fact, he was the one paying the most attention to what's happening.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't notice him looking a little down every time he sees her running after Ran in the hallway or clinging to his arm whenever she can.

But despite all that happening, he still seems motivated to work towards getting her. Like he's positive that she's gonna be his one day. Hence why he's been taking such drastic measures to even just walk past her in the hallway or make her look at him for a split second.

Like last week when he started a fight just because he wanted her to look at how 'strong' and 'dominant' he was.

It landed him in after-school detention, but at least she looked at him, which he was pleased with.

Now, what did I do about this? You may ask?

Nothing. I didn't do anything.

It was amusing how he would do anything just for her to notice him, but at the same time, it was sad. At times, I felt pity for him because he deserves way more than her. But the idiot is too blinded by love to see that.

My train of thought was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing, telling the students it was time for lunch, thankfully.

I got up from my seat and grabbed my bento to go to the rooftop.

Today was one of the very rare days where I got to be alone. Ayato had a student council meeting, and Rindou had to assist the teacher with something. So it was just me at lunch today.

Sitting against the fence that's built at the edge of the schools rooftop, enjoying my food while softly humming the lyrics to my favorite song.

'And I go crazy, coz here isn't where I wanna be...'

Opening my eyes, sensing a presence next to me.


"Oh, you're alive," He said, looking at me.

"Unfortunately. Do you need anything?" I raised a brow, taking out my headphones.

"Nope, can I have one?" He pointed at my headphones, and I gave one, turning my music back on.

We sat like that for a bit before he spoke up.

"So, what's it like dating a Haitani?" He asked, his eyes closed as he leaned his back against the fence, sitting in the same position I was.

"Eventful. Then again, we're not really dating. " he opened his eyes and looked at me

"What do you mean?" He sounded confused. Did he not know about the deal? Weird, I thought Rindou would let him know about his plans. Guess not.

"Yeah, we're fake dating so that his crush notices him or something like that," I said, shrugging my shoulders, focusing on the music again

"Oh?" He sounded surprised, probably not expecting his brother to go through such lengths for a girl or maybe it the fact that he didn't tell him anything.

I nodded and continued to listen to music with the black-blonde haired brother next to me doing the same.

We soon stopped listening to music and just sat there in silence. It wasn't awkward, though.

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