Chapter Six

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Hi guyssss

I'm so sorry for not uploading, I don't really have an excuse, I was just being lazy and procrastinating a shit ton, but here's a chapter (finally)  I'll try to update again in this week but I'm making no promises. Hope you enjoy

Happy reading!!



It was Monday...again

The weekend literally felt like two seconds. With me and Rindou speaking about how the plan would fall into action and how we'd start.

We spoke for most of the weekend... okay, we argued most of the time, but we compromised, with both of us adding things/scenarios we could do around school.

Of course, we added boundaries. Like, number one, asking for permission before doing anything, obviously. Number two, only kissing in the cheek and forehead, the only time we'd kiss on the lips of it were absolutely necessary. And last but definitely not least, number three, hand placement. He had to watch where he put his hand.

To say I was not excited for today was an understatement. In fact, I was dreading today. But nonetheless, I agreed, and I can't go back on my word now.

Although, thinking of all the possible scenarios that could go down today, all of the stares we'd get, all the whispering that'll go on around us.

Rindou was probably used to this, considering that the fact that he's literally known by the whole school. He's chased by all the girls and envied by all the boys. He is definitely used to all the attention, and he obviously enjoys it along with his older brother.

Where as I am nowhere near used to all this attention. People usually ignore me. The only time they don't is to call me names, but that doesn't happen anymore, so I'm just being constantly ignored. I'm not complaining, though. I like being ignored, I absolutely hate being the center of attention, which, now that I think about it, I shouldn't have agreed to this deal in the first place considering how much attention will be on us once we put our plan into action.

I can't be anxious about this now, seeing as it is monday, aka the day we act like a couple.

Cutting off my train of thought or, in my case, anxiety, my phone lit up signaling that a text had come through.

It was from Rindou.

'Are you ready for today?'

I would be touched that he cared if I didn't feel so anxious.

Shooting him a quick text, I go downstairs to get some breakfast before walking out and locking the door behind me.

Keisuke slept over at Chifuyu's, and mom went to work already. Ayato is taking off from school today, saying he was too tired because he worked a late shift the night before.

So it looks like I'm walking alone today, I didn't mind, though. Silence is a rare thing that I get every once in a while, seeing as I live with Keisuke and practically Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Pah-chin and Peh-yan.

So yeah, silence was not an option in my household. That's why I make the most of it when I actually get time to myself.

Upon looking at the school ahead of me, I see a familiar blonde-blue head of hair. He looked like he was waiting for someone. Then it clicked

He was waiting for me.

The said boy looked up from his phone only to have his eyes directly land on me. He shot me a lazy smile and waited for me to catch up before wrapping an arm around my waist and lead me into school, and already, there were people whispering and staring.

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