Chapter twenty one

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It's been about a week since the rooftop incident. It's been a week since Rindou confessed to me. It's been a week since I've spoken to him or anybody else from their friend group.

I just don't get it. I know I like him back, so why can't i just tell him? What's stopping me? Why am I so scared?

As I'm questioning myself, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. Staring. And they weren't trying to hide it.

I stopped a few inches away from an alley and waited until the person caught up.

Once they did, I turned around quickly, lifting my right foot, kicking them right by the neck. Making them crash in said alley.

They landed with a loud thud. Before their back could reach the floor, I grabbed them by their neck, pinning them against the wall. Their body limp. Head hanging low.

Once they brought their head up, my eyes met with their icy blue ones. Long eyelashes fanning over them.

"Sanzu?" I raised a brow in confusion.

"Solid kick you got there," he chuckled a little but groaned in pain  shortly after. "Mind letting go? I'm not really into choking." I rolled my eyes and let go of his throat.

"Why were you following me like a creep?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Sorry, n/n," he awkwardly scratched his cheek, laughing a little. "I just wanted to know why you've been ignoring us." His head tilted

I sighed, walking out of the alley way, Sanzu following behind me. I debated on whether I should tell him or just keep quiet. But knowing Sanzu, he's going to be persistent about it.

He looked at me, confused as to why I wasn't answering.

Closing my eyes, I let out another sigh. "Somethong happened between me and Rin," I confessed

His ears perked. "What happened?" He asked

"He..." I hesitated. Sanzu's silence erged me to continue. "He told me that he liked me," I said quietly so that no one else would hear.

"HE WHAT???" Sanzu shouted.

"Shut the fuck up" I covered my ears

"Shit, sorry" he whispered. "Did he really?" He seemed invested now

"Yeah, he did,"

"Well, did you say it back?"



"Jesus, what is this, an interrogation?"

He stopped and starred at me.

"What?" I stopped afterward

"You like him, don't you?" He said with a shit eating grin

I felt heat quickly rush to my face. Sanzu laughed.

"Why don't you just confess back?" He asked

"I don't know,"

"You scared?" He smirked, leaning closer, and i pushed him away. "Seriously though, you should tell him that you like him back." He smiled and waved before parting with me as we entered the school gate.

But he stopped just as I was about to walk away. "Oh, and Y/n?" He called

"Mm?" I turned around

"Do me a favor and stop ignoring us. We miss you." He smiled again, but softer this time.

I stood there and watched him walk away in shock.

They missed me?

The whole rest of the morning, my mind was racing with thoughts of what I should do. I couldn't ignore the others forever. And I definitely couldn't ignore Rindou forever.

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