Chapter twelve

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"AWAKEN, MY DEAR SISTER. WE SHALL BE LATE FOR THE EDUCATIONAL LEARNING PROGRAM WE CALL SCHOOL," Keisuke shouted at the top of his lungs while hopping on her bed like an idiot

"Piss off," you groaned, covering your head with a pillow.

"Mother, my dear sister doesn't wanna awaken," he shouted, purposefully making his sentence sound like he needed to take more speaking classes

"I have awakened, you hard-headed piece of shit," He fell back of the impact of the pillow that you threw in his face.

"OWW," He cried, smacking you back with the pillow, and ran downstairs, you following after him.

And so began the chaotic morning of the Baji siblings, with you chasing him around with a knife, him running away, and Mama wondering what she did to deserve this kind of noise at seven in the morning.

After a good ten minutes of you threatening your brother, you finally got dressed and headed out for school.

"Good morning, sunshine," Ayato greeted, handing you a cup of coffee that he owed you since he ditched you on Saturday. You thanked him and made your way to class, hearing Ayato say that he'll be able to sit with you lunchtime.

You were the only one in class because you came early. Plopping your bag on the floor and practically throwing yourself in your chair, you put your head on the desk, deciding to rest a little before class starts. At least that was the plan.

Yesterday's events suddenly ran through your head, or more specifically last night's event. Remembering this, you feel your face get hot.

Holy shit, I kissed Rindou. You thought

Oh my fuck Y/n, what the hell were you thinking?!?!? You internally groan, repeatedly smacking your head on the desk. You stop after feeling a hand between your forehead and the desk.

"You're gonna lose braincells if you continue to do that," You look up, recognizing the voice.

"Oh Ran, good morning," you greeted, fixing your posture, slightly embarrassed that he saw your meltdown.

Just then, Rindou walked in, holding two strawberry milks and one chocolate. He paused upon seeing you already in class.

Walking towards you and Ran, he put the chocolate and put the chocolate milk on your head, and gave the other milk to Ran.

He greeted good morning and gave you a kiss on your head, Ran made a face and fake gagged, making you playfully roll your eyes. Rindou shooed him out of class. By that time, class started filling up, seeing as it was almost time for school to start.


Soon, it was lunchtime. You had already told Rindou that you were going to sit with Ayato, so he walked ahead.

You were busy packing up your things when you felt a presence behind you.

"Hey, Y/n, how was your weekend?" Aoi asked, but continued before you could reply. "I heard you went on a date with Rindou."

"How'd you know?" You eyed her suspiciously.

She pulled out her phone and showed a picture of you and Rindou at the cafe. You guys were laughing. The picture was taken from across the street. And since you were sitting by an open window, you could clearly see through.

"What, are you stalking me now?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at her

"God no. Who would wanna stalk you?" She rhetorically asked, her friends laughing.

"You apparently," you spat back.

"You must think very highly of yourself if you think I would wanna stalk you," she said, pointing between you two as she spoke.

"Well, the pictures on your phone say otherwise," you point at her phone

Her face dropped, and she took a step closer, but you didn't move. "Listen, Baji, you better watch your back and put a leash on that boyfriend of yours while you're at it," your brows furrows at this. "You think I don't notice him staring at me every time I go to their table?" Your eyes slightly widened, but you quickly regained your composure.

"You might wanna hold him a bit tighter." She paused, then continued."Who knows? I might just take him from you," Your eye twitched at this. You, yourself, took a step closer.

"I'd like to see you try." With that, you walked off but stopped when you heard Aoi say something

"Is that supposed to be a challenge?" She laughed

"What, was it supposed to be an invitation?" You hear her laughter stop, and you took this as your queue to leave.

Your mood was sour the whole rest of lunch. This didn't go unnoticed by Ayato and another pair of eyes, watching from afar.

Ayato asked what was wrong, and you told him about your encounter with Aoi.

"She can't do shit. Besides, Rindou already likes you, so he'd never go for her." You nodded

If only you knew, you sighed.

Why did I even say that to her? And why did it bother me so much when she threatened to steal him from me?

Come to think of it, I have been feeling weird around him. Like, every time he kisses me, I feel this weird tingle in my stomach. And my face feels warm. Plus, I would find myself smiling whenever I thought about him.

Do I...

"Earth to y/n, are you there?" Ayato flicked your forehead, pulling you out of your train of thought.

"Ow," you hissed, shooting him a glare

"The bell rang, weirdo," he said, getting ready to leave for class. "See you after school,"

And with that, you went your separate ways.

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