Chapter seventeen

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Today was one of the rear mornings that Ayato's walking with me. You know, with the student council and stuff.

We talked all the way to school, catching up and things. He asked me how things were going with Rindou, and I told him everything he missed out on. He was pissed at the latest things that happened. I told him that it was okay because we sorted things out already.

He asked me what I meant, and I told him about how Ran took me to the roof and how we sat there for three and a half hours talking about random things. He seemed surprised and said that Ran was a better 'boyfriend' than Rindou. I didn't say anything about that.

I told him everything but left out one tiny detail. I was planning on telling him during lunch, so I'll just wait til then.

We walked into school and changed into our inside shoes. We bid our goodbyes and walked to our classes.

☆tiny timeskip☆

It was the end of the second period, and I walked out of class, passing through the halls that were suspiciously empty. Just then, a ruckus could be heard from the end of the hallway.

Man, I have to walk past that to get to my next class, I sighed

Walking past the crowd, trying not to get bumped by anybody, I heard a very familiar voice coming from somewhere in the crowd.

Pushing past a wave of students, I finally got to the front, my accusation confirmed.

Rindou was there in the center of everything. He was on top of a brown haired boy, twisting his arm. He kept twisting until a sickening crack was heard, and the boy let out a painful scream, making everyone either cheer louder or cringe at the sound.

Without thinking, I ran toward them, roughly grabbing Rindou by the color, and dragged him to an empty classroom.

I practically threw him in and closed the door. I stood there, waiting for him to explain. He kept quiet, averting his gaze everywhere but me.

"Are you just gonna stand there and look pretty, or are you gonna explain what the hell that was?" I sarcastically asked.

He stayed silent.

"Did you start a fight just to get Aoi's attention again? I told you to--"

"It wasn't for Aoi." He cut me off, still not looking at me.


"It wasn't for Aoi," he repeated

"Then what did he do that was so bad that made you break his arm?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He hesitated. "He was talking badly about you," he mumbled, but loud enough for me to hear.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. I was stunned.

He started a fight for me?

I cleared my throat. "Why didn't you just ignore it?" I asked, in a claiming tone

He finally looked at me. "If you heard what he was saying about you, you would've done the same thing." he argued back, his head tilting downwards again.

I sighed, "Thank you, Rin," I said softly

His head shot back up. "You're not mad?" He asked

I shook my and walked up to him. He stood still. I placed both my hands on each side of his face and leaned forward, pressing my lips on his cheek.

I felt his body tense at the sudden action but quickly calmed down.

He grabbed my chin and tilted my face toward his. This time, it was his turn to lean in.

And the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine.

That was my first kiss.

Rindou Haitani took my first kiss.

When we pulled away from each other, I could feel my entire body heat up. I was a blushing mess.

I looked away, attempting to cover up the tomato that was my face. That didn't work after I heard a laugh.

I turned my head to face him, and he was blushing too, but he wasn't as shy as I was.

He's so pretty.

I realized that i was staring when he looked back at me. I turned away, blushing once again.

No one was saying anything, so I suggested that we go sit on the rooftop until lunch, and he agreed.

"So, I'm pretty, huh?" He teased

"Shut up," and we continued walking

~Rindou's pov~

I kissed her.

I finally kissed her.

I wasn't even thinking when I did it. My body moved on its own. I don't regret it, though.

When I pulled away, she was blushing a shit ton. She was so cute that I laughed. I continued laughing when I noticed that she was staring, but looked away quickly after I caught her.

She's so pretty. I thought

She suggested going to the rooftop until lunch, and I agreed.

On our walk there, I replayed the kiss in my head, and the butterflies came back.

I wonder what Ran would say about this if I told him. He already teased me when I told him that I liked Y/n.

He told the rest of the group, and I got teased for two weeks. They were telling me about how I should make a move, but I told them that I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable because you didn't like me that way.

They asked me when I got over Aoi and told them that I fell out of love with her a month ago and realized that I liked Y/n a week later. With the help of Ran.

After that I've been having this nagging feeling whenever I saw her with another guy other than her best friend. I know that that's called jealousy but what was I jealous of?

She wasn't even really mine, so why was I getting jealous over some shit that I didn't even have the right to get jealous of.

And i hate seeing her get all buddy-buddy with Ran. Yesterday, after he took her away to calm down, they didn't come back until lunch. meaning that they skipped the morning periods.

I gave her the cold shoulder without even knowing what happened. It was only until this morning when I got over it.

I heard another boy talking about her. About how she was fucking around with all the boys in our group. How she was such a slut for letting so much boys touch her. How she probably has some kind of disease after getting laid so much.

He continued to say how he wouldn't mind fucking her if she wasn't such a whore. His friends laughed and I lost it.

I ran towards him with my fist ready to ruin his already ugly face. His friends ran off, leaving him alone.

I lost control and broke his arm, hearing a satisfying crack. That's when I felt my color getting pulled roughly. You already know the rest.

I don't give a shit about people say about me, but her? Never.

I'll gut anybody from the inside out if I hear them speaking shit about her again.

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