Chapter nine

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A week has gone by since all of that happened. Not much has changed since then except Aoi's behavior towards Rindou.

Ever since last week's incident, Aoi has been acting weird towards Rindou. Like her emotions took a whole one-eighty, and she suddenly started to recognize him.

She been speaking to him more, coming more frequently to the table just to talk to him, and Ran, of course. But she's starting to talk to him more, and that's saying something because she never used to talk to him before beside the simple hellos and goodbyes.

And if I'm being honest, it's starting to piss me off because why the sudden interest?

Why does she suddenly find him so interesting? And why do I care?

Wasn't the whole point of us 'dating' to get her attention? So why does it bother me so much?


"Hellooo, earth to Y/n? Are you listening?"

I looked at Ayato, hoping that he didn't say something important. "Sorry Aya, what were you saying?" I asked, changing into my inside shoes.

"I was checking to see if we're still on for tonight," He said, putting his outside shoes into his locker, closing it again.

Today was Friday, meaning that tonight is Aya and n/n night. It's a night where we buy a shit tone of snack and binge scary movies. We do this every second Friday, with each of us getting a turn to pick the extra activity we do for the night.

Tonight was Ayato's turn to pick, and he picked video games, even though he knows I suck at it.

With everything going on, I almost forgot about tonight. That doesn't mean I'm not excited about it.

"Yeah, we're still on," I said before feeling an arm around my shoulders, a small smell of cologne and a bit of coffee trailing afterward.

Seeing this, Ayato took that as his queue to leave and said his goodbyes.

I told Ayato everything the next day he came back from his day off of school, and to say he was shocked was an understatement. He was more shocked that I said yes, to be honest. But after explaining things to him, he seemed to understand, he wasn't fond of the idea and he let me know that, but I convinced him that it'll only be for two months at most and he finally agreed.

"Hey, love," he greeted, giving me a little peck on the side of my head. He's been doing that a lot this week, and every time, it makes me feel weird, like there's bugs crawling inside of me.

"Morning, Rin."

He looked at me for a bit before continuing to walk to our class, his arm still around me.

"New nickname?" He smirked.

Did I just call him Rin? Since when did I have a nickname for him?

"Sorry, kinda just slipped out," I continued looking in front of me, hoping to make it to class without bumping into her.

"No, I like it. Keep calling me that"

I looked at him from the corner of my eye, noticing a small smile on his lips. I kept my gaze on the long hall ahead of us, trying to stop myself from blushing.

Since when do I blush?

Finally reaching our class without bumping into Aoi, Rindou stopped, turning to face me, making me stop before I faceplant into his chest.

"Are you free after school?" He asked, scratching his nape, his eyes on the floor.

"Why?" I slightly furrowed my eyebrows

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