Chapter two

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Soon summer vacation was over and the new school year started. Y/N, being a second-year, along with Ayato and Keisuke being a first-year.

"Y/N c'mon, you're gonna be late for your first day of school" Keisuke rushed, pulling the blankets off her sleeping figure "So? There's nothing wrong with being a little late," She said sleepily turning the other way around.

If there's one thing Y/N hates, it's waking up early. She stays up all night watching anime or just movies in general and losses track of time. So in short, she's not a morning person.

"Y/N. Up. Now" Her eyes snapped open as she groaned and reluctantly got out of bed.

God, why does the school have to start this early? I mean there's no purpose for school to start at eight in the goddamn morning. So fucking annoying. Maybe if I blow up the school then that would solve all my problems.

"Probably not normal to think about genocide this early in the morning," She thought, spitting out the foamy residents of the toothpaste.

Making her way downstairs, she makes eye contact with her best friend of eight years, Ayato. Who's eating her breakfast? Great.

"Is that mine?" She questioned, pointing to the bowl that Ayato was eating out of, but she already knew the answer. She sighed and just took a granola bar and headed for the door, putting on her shoes.

"Come on, we're gonna be late," She says wearing a blank look on her face. Stepping out of the door a cold breeze hit her face, blowing her hair back a bit.

On their way to school, Ayato decided to make some small talk "Are you guys nervous for your first day?" He asked them "Nah, I already know I'm gonna be popular, with my good looks and awesome personality, there's no doubt about it," Keisuke said proudly and confidently like he was betting his life on it.

"What about you N/N?" Ayato asked, chuckling at Keisukes confidence. She just shook her head, not caring about the first day of school.

"Don't forget to work hard this year Kei, you can't make Mama cry again this time, got it?" she said, twisting his ear but still holding the same bland expression she always has

"Ow ow ow, okay, I got it!" he says, holding his now bruised ear. And walking away from them because he saw his friends.

"That idiot better not do anything dumb," She says glaring at Keisuke's figure "He won't, don't worry" Ayato reassures her, ruffling her hair a little.

Walking over to the bulletin board to see what class they're gonna be in, Ayato let out a cry, grabbing Y/N by the shoulders and showing her the class he'll be in.

"Oh look, we're not in the same class this year" She states nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders while walking away from him.

"You're saying you're okay with this?!" He practically screamed in her face while she just rolled her eyes at him. "We can't do shit about it anyways," She says once again walking away from him "Save me a seat at lunch, yeah?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at her overreacting best friend. She playfully rolled her eyes and continued to her new class being, class 2-B.

Walking into class, she makes a beeline for the seat in the second row in the middle of the class. Now, you're probably thinking: Why in the middle? Why not at the back? Well because it's more conventional. It's a good distance from the board so I can see better and the teacher doesn't pay as much attention to the middle as he does to the back and front of the class.

Taking her seat and putting her bag on the right side of her desk, she met with a loud banging on it. Looking up to see the one and only, Aoi Itoshi.

Now, who is Aoi, you may ask? Well, she's only one of the most popular girls in Sakura High. Scratch that, she is the most popular girl in Sakura High.

Having all the boys worship the ground she walks on, and having all the girls envy her for stealing their crushes.

Last year, she managed to make three teachers cry on the same day, and she still acted like a saint in front of the principal.

Not to mention that she's a backstabbing bitch. She acts all nice to you but the moment you turn your back she talks shit about you.

You know, basic mean girl shit.

"Sorry, you're in my seat" She smiled at me, trying to be nice. "Really? Because last time I checked, it didn't have your name on it" Now, Y/N is a lot of things, but she's not a pushover. If anything, she's more stubborn than anyone.

"Oh, then you must've heard me wrong. Get out of my seat" She leaned in a bit to make her more intimidating but Y/N didn't budge. If fact, this is where her smart mouth comes in "No thanks" She held a calm demeanor and sat back in her seat. Everybody was watching at this point but there was one person in particular whom she stood out to. That person was none other than...

Rindou Haitani

"I said, get out!" She raised her voice, yet Y/N still stayed calm, not giving in to her little meltdown over a stupid seat. Somebody's gotta tell her no once in a while right?

"And I said no, now take your annoying ass somewhere else because I don't wanna get in trouble for your childish tantrum" She looked at her in disbelief, her eyes widening after what she heard.

Never, in her whole school career has anyone ever spoken like that to her, with such disrespect. It was making her blood boil. Because not only has she been spoken down to, but she's also been humiliated in front of the whole class. But before she could say anything the teacher entered at class and everyone took their seats, including Aoi.

But as she was walking to her place, she sent a mean glare toward Y/N, but she just ignored it by staring out the window.

After class was over, Y/N decide to stay behind for a bit. So it was her and one other person in the class.


"What you did back there was pretty cool" he attempted to start a conversation with her.

Keyword: Attempted.

She just hummed and continued to rest her head in her arms. She wasn't in the mood to talk right now. Her mind was too occupied with the idea of falling asleep and she was not complaining. But he spoke again.

"Not big on conversations huh?" He asked, moving toward her desk until he was standing right in front of her. She sighed and reluctantly raised her head, looking up at him.

"What do you want?" She asked flat out, not wanting this conversation to continue, but of course, she never gets what she wants. Instead, he continued talking to her.

His eyes slightly widened as he recognized her face. She was the one who fought in the Valhalla match and she got stabbed. He thought, still keeping his eyes on her. She waited patiently for his response as she wasn't in a rush to go anywhere.

"I want you to be my girlfriend"

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