Chapter fifteen

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A few days had gone by since I took care of the Haitani's. They arrived back at school today, and to say that people were worried was an understatement. It was currently lunchtime, and their table was infested with worried teenage girls.

Their main focus was obviously the almighty Haitani brothers. They were all over them.

"Jeez, its not like they got struck by lightning," I mumbled, unintentionally grabbing the attention of the person sitting next to me

"Jealous?" They teased, "I mean, I'd be too if there was a hot girl playing with his hair right in front of me," he emphasized on the word right.

"Fuck off, Shion" Kakucho said, slapping the back of his head. "Don't listen to him n/n, Rindou's not even paying attention to those girls," he reassured

"Thanks, Kakucho. This is why you're my favorite," I whispered the last part so that only he could hear. He laughed and gave my head a little pat.

This seemed to grab the attention of the younger Haitani. He couldn't explain why, but he was feeling kinda weird watching you and Kakucho interact like that.

He thought nothing of it until he noticed that the more the two of you spoke, the more it bothered him. He knew what this feeling was, and he didn't like it.

It went on like that for the rest of lunch. I, unfortunately, had to deal with it since I didn't want girls to hate me for no reason.

Even though he is my boyfriend, I thought

When the bell rang, I immediately got up, not even waiting for Rindou even though we had the same class. The whole lunch break just pissed me off.

I can't believe the nerve of that piece of shit. He comes to me and begs me to be his fake girlfriend, but he doesn't do shit. And the way he just sat there with all those girls around him, while his girlfriend is sitting at the EXACT. SAME. TABLE

My jaw was clenched so tight, I thought my teeth would break.

"Hey, there you are," speak of the fucking devil and he shall arrive

I scoffed and ignored him. I could tell by his silence that he wasn't expecting that.

"What's with the attitude, princess?" Butterflies.

"Don't 'princess' me," I glared

"Okay, why don't you just tell me what's wrong?" He asked

"I don't know, why don't you ask your other girlfriends?" I'm not even  trying to hide my jealousy at this point.

"Are you talking about the girls at the table?"

"No, I'm talking about the big green ogre that lives by the swamp," I rolled my eyes

"Awww, are you jealous, sweetheart?" He pinched my cheek, and I punched his stomach.

"I'm not jealous, I'm pissed." He raised his brow in confusion, "You can't sit like that with other girls WHILE your girlfriend is at the same table, you manwhore."

He looked taken aback and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey, there's no need for name calling,"

"You can't do that, Haitani," my voice raised slightly. He sighed

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd react this way," he paused, "I didn't mean for you to get this angry. Sorry, n/n"

Shocked. I was shocked.

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