Chapter eighteen

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So Y/n," Sanzu started, "have you and Rindou ever like made out?" My face scrunched at the odd question.
He laughed, and so did the others. Rindou just rolled his eyes.

I shook my head and looked around the mall for any interesting stores.

Oh, right, background of how we got here. So basically, me and the guys were sitting together at our usual table at lunch, when shion came running and told us about a new movie that just came out and that we should watch it in the theater.

We all agreed and set up a date where we all would be free, and that was the upcoming weekend. All of us got there and met up, shion came last, telling us that he got the date wrong and that it's only coming out the next weekend.

Yeah, he's an idiot.

Now we're all here to just casually hang out.

It was the perfect weather today, a bit too cold, though. I chose a simple outfit consisting of jeans with big rips, a plain black crop top, a black zip-up hoodie, and a pair of fishnet stockings under the jeans.

(You can pick something else if you don't like it)

I kinda want boba, I thought

"You want boba?" Oh my God, he read my mind. I nodded rapidly, and we all made our way to go get boba.

We got to the place, and there was a line that we had to stand in. Getting to the end of the line, we ran into a very familiar group of teenagers.

It was my brother and his friends.

Once we stood behind them, Sanzu was the first to recognize, and he glared. Mikey did the same.

"Hey Kei, I didn't know that you'd be here," I spoke, trying to ignore the tension that arose.

"Yeah, it was a last-minute... decision" he trailed off when he made eye contact with Rindou. His face fell, and his eyes fell back on me. "I didn't know that you were gonna hang out with them," he eyed the former gang members behind me.

"Yeah, they are my friends," I said, raising a brow.

He didn't look pleased, but you could tell that he didn't want to make a scene. "We'll talk about this at home," he said before turning around.

I don't get what there's to talk about, so I just shrugged my shoulders and kept thinking about what I'm going to order.

We got our boba and went into a few stores. We shopped for a little while before deciding to go crash at the Haitani's house.

We got home, and half of us crashed onto the couch. With me at the bottom, kakucho next to me, sanzu on top of me and shion on top of all of us.

Rindou, Ran, and Izana snickered and put all of the bags of food in the kitchen, and Rindou put my bag of clothes in his room.

Ran put on the TV and laid on top of us, who was still in the same position. I groaned and swirmed because of the extra weight that was put on top of me. Damn they were heavy.

"Get your fatasses off me!" I shouted, and they laughed and slowly got off.

Once I was free, I went to sit on the single couch before they decided to crush me again. Rindou came over and pulled me up, taking my seat and putting me on his lap.

After I registered what was going on, my eyes widened, and I blushed. Hard. I could see Sanzu and Ran snickering, and it made me roll my eyes.

We went home pretty late. By the time I got home, it was 10:30 pm. Opening the door and slowly closing it so that I wouldn't wake up anybody, I took my shoes off and went into the dark living room.

There, I could see a figure sitting in the singular chair. It was Keisuke. He looked like a mom from one of those clichè romance movies waiting for their daughter to come home. He would probably look it too if he didn't cut his hair.

"Where were you?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Out with friends," I simply said, making my way to the kitchen to get a snack.

"Your friends?" He raised a brow, folding his arms over his chest.

"Yep," I nodded and walked away but stopped when I heard him say something else.

"You sure they're not just trying to get into your pants?" My blood boiled at the sudden accusation. "Or trying to get something out of you?" He continued

"Don't fucking speak about them like that. They're my friends, and you have no right to make such assumptions." He could tell that he hit a nerve, but he continued.

"I'm just looking out for you," He frowned a little, and I took a breath.

"I know, but just because you're looking out for me doesn't mean that you have to bad mouth them." I said sternly

"I just-"

"Don't." I cut him off.

His eyebrows pinched together, and he looked a bit angry. "Fine, but don't come crying to me when they actually do shit." he walked away, and so did I.

I was on edge for the rest of the night but fell asleep quickly because of the tiring day I had.

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