Chapter three

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Y/N pov:

"I want you to be my girlfriend!"

I furrowed my eyebrows and had a sour look on my face. How big is this guy's ego?! Does he think I'm just gonna agree? The fuck? But before I could reject him, he spoke again.

"Okay, okay, before you say anything, hear me out, yeah?" He held his hands in front of him for me to stop talking. He spoke again "I wanna make this girl jealous so that she would want me and not my stupid brother. And that girl just happens to be Aoi" He pauses "I wanna show her that I'm way better than my brother" he concluded, looking at me.

I looked at him puzzled, not knowing what to say. That was a lie, I know exactly what to say "No." His face dropped like he wasn't expecting to get rejected.

"What the hell do you mean 'no'?" He asked putting his palms on the desk and leaning in, our faces inches apart.

"I don't wanna be your fake girlfriend" I shrugged resting my chin on my palm and looking out of the window.

Man, it's windy out.

"But you heard my reasoning and everything?" He looked confused, tilting his head to the side, his blonde-blue hair falling a bit on his face.

"And? That doesn't mean I'm gonna say yes. Your excuse to use me isn't gonna work, just find another crush or fake girlfriend, it shouldn't be that hard considering that you're the popular one" I bluntly stated, making eye contact with him for a bit before returning my eyes to the window.

"True, but all the other girls are scared of her," he said scratching the nape of his neck and averting his eyes to the ground "Doesn't sound like my problem, Haitani" I simply said while working out of the class without looking back

Reaching the cafeteria, I bump into someone by the entrance, it's Ayato.

"Hey, where have you been?" He asks stepping away so that he can create a space between us. "Had a little conversation, if you can even call it that" I shrugged, walking past him to look for a particular raven-haired boy. Once I found him, I walked over a took a seat next to him.

"Thanks," I say, stealing the last bite of his onigiri, my face still lacking expression. "Dude! What's your deal?" He said, putting me in a headlock and ruffling my hair with his fist. Resulting in me hitting him in the rib with my elbow and he immediately let go. His friends witnessed all that but they're used to it by now.

"What's up N/N?" Mikey asked while Ayato fixed my hair. "Nothing just wanted to greet that's all, bye now" I waved walking away, going back to class, Ayato following me.

"So this is your class huh?" He said, looking at the class number, until somebody called him and he had to go. He had new friends already? Good for him.

Opening the door, I see two boys inside, one being Rindou and the other I'm assuming to be his brother who he was bitching about earlier.

Standing there awkwardly in the doorway, they look at who entered the room, and Rindou's eyes widened, jumping off the desk, he put his arm around my shoulders and dragged me towards his brother. I didn't protest, because I wanted to see where this was going.

"This is the girl I was talking about" I kept a blank face, making eye contact with the older Haitani and he did the same.

"Ran, meet my girlfriend, Y/N" As soon as he was done, I elbowed him in the stomach and he doubled over in pain. Looking at his brother, I say
"I'm not his girlfriend. He's just delusional. " I glared at him while saying the last word and walked back out of the class. No way am I staying there with those two.

After lunch was finished everybody made their way to their classes. Walking back into class, I feel a shoulder push roughly against mine, of course, it's her. I rolled my eyes and just continued to make my way to my seat.

As the teacher continued the lesson my eyes scanned the classroom and landed on Aoi speaking to Rindou.

Tsk, he didn't even need a fake girlfriend.

Looking back at the teacher, the bell rang for school to be dismissed. I packed up slowly since I had nowhere to go and Ayato has to work, while Keisuke is hanging out with his friends.

"Y/N, I'm off, okay?" Ayato said, waking into the classroom, leaving me strawberry milk, and turning around but not before ruffling my hair. "See ya," I greeted him as he walked out of the door.

"So, is that why you don't wanna be my fake girlfriend?" Rindou piped up after watching me and Ayato. I looked at him and rolled my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time today.

"No genius, he's my best friend," I say, fixing my hair.

"So then I still have a chance?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes. He's so persistent that he's never been told no before. The older Haitani must spoil him. "Come on, Baji"

"No, Haitani" Was the last thing I said before walking out of the classroom.

"Damn it" he muttered, running a hand through his multi-colored hair

Walking down the street I make the last-minute decision to take a different route than I usually do.

Turning a corner, I bump into a firm surface, making me stumble backward. Looking up to see the person whom I had bumped into, I noticed them glaring at me.

Their long multi-colored braided hair is what stood out to me first before I looked at their face.

Isn't he...

"Oh hey, it's you," He spoke first, a small smile making its way to his face. His eyes bore into mine.

"Um, hi," I greeted awkwardly, looking up at him. He has nice hair.

"Do you remember me by any chance?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I blinked a couple of times before answering, "Yeah, you're the older Haitani, right?" I slightly pointed at him, tilting my head a little to the right.

"Bingo, you can call me Ran, though." he nodded before speaking again. "Where you off to?" He asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Home," I answered simply before walking again.

'What a weird girl, I wonder what Rindou sees in her,' Ran thought before walking in the original direction he was going in before he got stopped.

He had seen Rindou talking to you a few times, but he never knew what you guys were talking about. Not that he was interested. He's just glad that his baby brother finally has a crush.

You see, Rindou never had trouble finding a girlfriend since there were always girls after him because of how good-looking he is and how smooth his voice can be. He's also helpful around school, not that he wants to be, but he just doesn't know how to say no to other people. Yes, Rindou Haitani is a people pleaser.

But despite all the love letters and daily confessions, he never really found anyone interesting. That is until he met Aoi Itoshi.

The first time he saw her it was like he was experiencing something out of a shoujo manga. His heart began to flutter and he could feel his cheeks heat up. He thought about going up to her and talking but he stopped when she made her way to his brother instead.

He couldn't explain the feelings he felt at that moment, was it jealousy? Envy? Or was he just simply experiencing something called love at first sight?

Well whatever it was, it was something new, and he felt weird about it.

But he swore that he would make Aoi Itoshi his.

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