Chapter twenty

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Haitani<3: Hey, are you okay?
Haitani<3: Y/n?
Haitani<3: Did you fall asleep or something?
Haitani<3: Just meet me on the rooftop tomorrow at lunch, yeah?

Yes, that was Rindou spamming your phone and doesn't get the hint that you're ignoring him. He can be an idiot sometimes.

It was now the next day, and you weren't in the mood to go to school, but you had to.

You walked to school with Keisuke today. He tried to keep your mind occupied by talking nonstop, or he just genuinely couldn't shut up.

Now that you think about it, he was extra nice this morning. I mean, he shook me awake. Normally, he jumps on my bed until you kick his ass out of your room. And he made me breakfast, smiling and all.

He's pitying me. I hate it.

"Hey, are you okay? Y'know since last night." His voice got softer toward the end of his sentence

"I'm....better." You looked at your feet."I'll talk to him during lunch. I want to hear his side." Keisuke looked at you like you were crazy.

"What do you mean 'his side'" he air quoted, "he cheated on you, end of story." His arms were now crossed over his chest.

"Kei, just trust me on this, okay?" You spoke softly, and he sighed, a nod following afterward.

We got to the gate, and Ran and the others were already waiting for you, Rindou included. He was waving at you.

Suddenly, the picture of him and Aoi flashed in my mind, and you felt your eyes sting. You didn't want to go over there and pretend that everything was okay. But, the others didn't deserve to be ignored. They didn't even know what was going on.

Keisuke sensed your discomfort and took your arm, dragging you towards Chifuyu and the others. You caught a glimpse of their confused faces. Sanzus eyebrows were furrowed, and there was a slight frown, but you could barely see it.

Ran's head was tilted in confusion. Rindou looked both shocked and confused. Izana and Kakucho looked at each other, and Shion just shrugged. Asshole.

"Hey n/n," Chifuyu greeted with a smile to which you returned. In the corner of my eye, you could see the group walk away. Rindou lingered a bit, his eyes not leaving you. He left a couple of moments when Ran called him.

You hung out with Keisuke for the rest of the morning until you had to go to class. A place where you couldn't fully ignore Rindou's gaze.

Walking into class, you immediately make eye contact with Rindou. You guys held it for a few seconds until you broke it, going to take your seat.

You could feel his confusion, but you ignored it and just rested your head in your arms.


It was now lunch, meaning you had to go meet Rindou on the rooftop. You wondered what he was going to say. How he was going to say it.

You wondered if he still liked her.

Of course he does. He's infatuated with her. You thought

As you were thinking that, Ran's words echoed in your mind

He's not as infatuated with her as you think

You were honestly getting sick of hearing those words echo through your mind.

You finally reached the roof. You got to the door when the sudden feeling of nervousness hit you. Suddenly, your heart started beating faster, you started to feel hot, and your mind kept racing. Endless questions kept going through your head. Then, the realization hit you....

You didn't want to lose Rindou.

The reason you were feeling so nervous was because you were scared that the deal was over. You didn't want to go back to being just classmates who only knew each others last name because that is what people called you.

You didn't want to lose your first crush. Because as much as you hate him right now, you know that no matter what, Rindou Haitani will always have a special place in your heart.

The feeling of nervousness was now replaced by sadness.

You were sad that you were going to lose the one person who actually made you feel something. Feelings that you never felt with anybody else. Feeling that you didn't want to lose.

Finally, you sucked in a breath and opened the door that led to the roof.
There stood a beautiful blonde-blue haired boy with the most precious eyes you've ever met. His clothes are sitting loosely on him, his tie hanging nicely around his neck.

He's perfect.

He turned around to the sound of the door closing, and the most breathtaking smile crept up on his face.

You snapped out of it when you heard him say something.

"Finally!" He slouched, his smile widening.

"What did you wanna tell me?" Your voice came out monotone and tired.

There was a long pause. It was getting kinda awkward.

"I got my driver's license," he did a little jump, and you swore your heart stopped.

Wasn't he going to tell me about the kiss?

"What?" Your eyes narrowed in anger.

He stopped jumping. "Yeah, I got my license,"

You couldn't believe this. What kind of shit was he trying to pull?

"So you're not gonna tell me that you  and Aoi kissed," his smile dropped, eyes widened, and he was frozen.

"Y/n I-"

"You what?" You raised your voice."You were just gonna leave out the part where you fucking kissed Aoi Itoshi?" You step closer

"Y/n I can explain" he also took a step closer

"What is there to explain, Haitani? I fucking saw you" your blood was boiling at this point

"She came on to me" his voice started getting louder

"That's your excuse?" You crossed your arms "I saw you and her kissing, please explain that"

"Then I guess you didn't see the part where I pushed her off"

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I fucking like you" he shouted

Just in that moment, time felt like it had stopped. No sounds were heard. No wind was blowing. No car was honking. No birds were chirping.

It was just you and Rindou standing there, faces almost touching.

Your anger had died down, and your arms dropped to your sides. You could hear your heart pounding against your ribcage. Your eyes were wider than they should be. And your lips were parted.

Rindou Haitani likes you.

You shook your head, making yourself snap out of your daze. Your e/c eyes meethis purple ones.

"What?" You said breathlessly

He stepped closer, and your bodies were touching at how close you were. Lips only inches apart.

"I like you, Y/n."

"What about Aoi?" You curiously asked

"I stopped liking her months ago," he chuckled

You were speechless. You didn't know what to say. Do you confess back? What will happen then? Do you guys become an actual couple?

"I need to think about this," you said, stepping back.

Rindou nodded and took a step back as well.

There was an awkward silence until you told him that you had to go because your brother was waiting for you.

He likes me.

Ahhhhhhh, we're almost finished. One or two more chapters to go.

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