Chapter seven

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"Hey, guys,"

God help me.

I heard someone scoff, making me turn my gaze to Sanzu, making my accusation correct. We made eye contact, and he rolled his eyes while shaking his head, clearly not fond of her presence.

Rindou, on the other hand, looked like Cupid had struck him with a million arrows, all at once. He was looking at her, with his chin resting on his hand, a small smile evident on the lips.

Seeing this, I jab my elbow into the side of his body, pulling him out of the trance the witch had put him in.

Tsk, and he says I have to make it believable. I thought, internally rolling my eyes.

"Hey Ran, so, my parents aren't gonna be home thi-." She cut herself off once she made eye contact with me. "Oh? And what do we have here?" She rhetorically asked, clearly amused as to what I, a quiet, soft spoken girl like myself, am doing at their table.

"Just trying to eat lunch, not that you would know anything about it," I said, looking down at my bento.

Her eyes widened a little before she spoke, "Excuse me?" She inched closer.

"Well, you're always playing tongue wrestling other guys, so you probably don't even have time to eat," I shrugged, looking up at her as I fed my myself a piece of sausage.

I heard the other boys trying to hold in their laughter, Sanzu looked like he was gonna piss himself.

Aoi, on the other hand, looked like she was about to burst with anger, but shockingly, she said nothing. She just turned to Ran and smiled, then she left. To say I was surprised was an understatement. I thought she was gonna have a fit with how red her face was, but nonetheless, I still carried on, finishing up my food.

I looked up at Rindou to find him still staring at Aoi, even though she walked away. I rolled my eyes and gave him another jab to the rib, but it was a bit harder this time.

A couple of minutes before the bell rang, I made up some excuse that Rindou and I had to be somewhere. We excused ourselves and walked out of the cafeteria.

Spotting an empty classroom, I pushed Rindou in and closed the door behind us, making sure that nobody saw that.

Turning around, facing Rindou, he had an eyebrow raised with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked, not really expecting him to know what i was talking about.

"What was what?" I knew it. He didn't know what I was talking about.

"You were looking at Aoi like a fucking love-sick puppy" I looked at him, cringing a little at the thought of Rindou looking in love.

"Was I- I didn't even notice," he said, tilting his head to the side and shrugged

"Of course you didn't, but everyone else did,"

He rolled his eyes, and I took a step closer.

"Look, if you want to convince Aoi that we're dating so that she can realize that you're cool or whatever, you have to make her believe it."

He looked confused and started scratching his cheek, something that he did a lot when he's confused or feeling awkward.

Why do I know that, you ask? I don't even know. It's just something that I noticed during the time we spent together.

He actually has a lot of small things that he does that he probably doesn't even notice.

Like when he taps his finger on the tip of his nose when he's focusing on something. Or when he runs his hand through his hair when he's frustrated. Or when he clenches his jaw when he's annoyed.

He also cracks his knuckles a lot, mostly when he takes a break from writing.

It's the small (innocent) things that he does that make me question whether he's actually a delinquent or not.

He also loves dogs, specifically puppies. But he doesn't have one, probably because he doesn't have time for one. He also loves--

Stop it, y/n, you're getting distracted.

"What I'm saying is that you have to make this thing more believable," I further explained, noticing that the bell would soon ring for lunch to be over.

"Since when do you tell me what to do?" He asked, his voice clearly full of attitude.

"Since you fucking begged me, and you better watch your tone with me if you want this to work out" I wasn't gonna take any shit from him. He may be one of the infamous Haitani brothers, but that doesn't give him an excuse to give me attitude after he was the one whining.

He looked at me with, once again, a surprise expression and blinked a couple of times before chuckling and taking a step closer. I, instinctively, took a step back, looking at him with uncertainty.

"Okay, love, whatever you say," he smiled and pecked me on the cheek before opening the class door and left.

After he left, I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding and touched the same cheek he kissed.

I feel weird. Am I getting sick? Stomach bug?


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