Chapter sixteen

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It was the next day, and Rindou and I were sitting in class, along with everyone else.

"Oh, Rannn~." I'm sure you can guess who that is.

"Oh, look, the dog's in heat again," I rolled my eyes, hearing Sanzu burst out laughing, everyone else laughing afterward.

"The fuck did you just call me, weirdo?" She asked

"I called you a dog, or do you prefer bitch" I cocked a brow

"Oooh, so you finally decided to grow a pair, and speak back, hm?" She put her hands on her hips amd took a step forward, our noses almost touching

"Yeah, i got tired of your bullshit" i stood up, stepping closer to her. Ready to swing. Until i felt hands on my shoulders.

"Okay sunshine, calm down" Ran smiled, nodding his head at Rindou "Rin, why dont you take n/n outside"
Then he turned to Aoi "You can fuck off"

Rindou came to my side, took my hand, and led me outside. Aoi looked stunned. The rest still laughing about what i said to her, sanzu mimicking Aoi's voice, while shion mimicked mine. I'm glad they got a good laugh out of it, but I'm still annoyed.

"How are you feeling?" He turned around and asked me.

"She's an annoying piece of shit and I wanna crack her skull open with a rock" I grit my teeth, motioning what I would do if her head was in my hands.

"Don't say that"

"Oh, bite me, lover boy" I rolled my eyes, growing more annoyed at the second.

"Hey! Don't bite my head off just because you're annoyed at Aoi" he raised his hands

"Come on, let's go to class" I walked off, Aoi giving me a nasty glare, but I ignored her amd took my seat, Rindou following after me.

"Hey, why are you acting like this? Are you on your period or something" he asked, somewhat clueless

"Do you want me to show you what I'm like on my period?" I stood up again with the full intention on actually kicking his ass.

Ran quickly ran behind me, holding both my arms and pulling me back. He told Rindou to knock it off and took me out of class, leading me to the rooftop.

Taking one last look at Rindou and he looked genuinely confused. He didnt think that he said anything wrong. I felt kinda bad taking my anger out on him. But I'm still pissed about yesterday, so he's not off the hook yet.

We reached the roof and sat at our usual spot. It's weird. I've only ever sat here by myself or Ran. Mostly Ran. It's like it's become our spot.

Huh. I have a special spot, with my crush's brother.

Ew. I'm never calling him my 'crush'. He's just the person I like.

Ran sat down and patted the spot next to him. It was like a therapy session. I sat down, leaning my head against the fence, at the edge.

We sat in silence for a bit. Shortly after that, the bell rang for school to start. Ran and I still sitting on the rooftop.

"So, wanna tell me what that was back there?" He spoke up after what felt like hours but was just a few minutes.

I sighed. "It was all that bitches fault" an irk mark appeared at the corner of my forehead.

He raised an eyebrow and let out a little laugh. "You started it, you know?"

"She annoys me" I shrugged and he let out another laugh.

We skipped the first three periods, just talking and chilling on the roof. We talked about anything we could, and if we had nothing to talk about, we'd just stay silent. That part didn't happen much since Ran has a lot to say, but I didn't mind.

We decided to get back since it was lunch, and we didn't bring any food with us.

Everyone looked surprised to see us when we approached the table. Rindou had another look on his face that I couldn't quite recognize.

By the time we came back, I was all calmed down, so I took a seat next to Rin. But he just looked at me and scoffed, turning the other way.

That was...odd


The day was finally over as I put ny inside shoes in my locker. I sighed as I bent down to pick my bag back off of the floor.

Straightening my back, I see a black haired silhouette with the corner of my eye. It looked straight at me, staring like a creep. It's head was tilted a bit to the right.

Turning my body into the direction of the person, I recognized who it was.

"Kazutora?" I questioned

"Y/n! It is you," he said, rather excitingly. He saw the questioning look on my face and awkwardly laughed. "Sorry, I just haven't seen you in a while." he scratched the back of his head

I smiled, relaxing my muscles. "What's up, tora?" I walked closer

"Just wanted to see you, that's all," I blushed a little at this. "Oh! I wanted to ask for your contact number," he reached for his phone and handed it to me.

I took it and noticed the time when I switched it on. I quickly punched my phone number in and told him that I'd be late for work and that we should hang out soon. He understood, and I jogged away.

I reached work just in time and went to change into my uniform.

Work went smoothly, and it was good.

This chapter was a bit...violent, haha.

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