Chapter four

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Looking out of the window, witnessing the cherry blossoms slowly move because of the slight wind, a few of them falling on the floor and onto somebody's head.

It was a really pretty day today. The sun was out, but it wasn't too hot, nor was it too cold. There was a slight breeze in the air, enough to cool you down when you're overheating. It was one of those rare days when the weather was just perfect.

And here I was, wasting it in English class, learning about poetry. Something about a sonnet having fourteen lines or something like that.

That's when my mind went back to Rindou and his offer. He wanted me to be his fake girlfriend. What the hell was he thinking? I've never even had a real boyfriend, let alone a fake one. How does one even act like a fake couple? Isn't it weird to do things that you don't mean?

Like, your actions should have meaning behind them, right? So what the hell?

'I don't understand people at all

I sighed and crossed my arms, leaning back in my chair as I stared blankly at the board.

I mean, he does seem like a nice person despite all those rumors about him being a player. They could be fake for all I know, so I can't judge just yet.

Plus, what if this is what I needed? My life's been dull, and I do need some entertainment once in a while.

Though, is this the entertainment I'm looking for?

What if this just causes unnecessary drama and stress in my life? I don't need that right now.

Then again, that's the fun part.

Fuck it.

Just then, the last bell rang and everyone was already gone, except for one person.

"Hey, Haitani" He halted in front of the doorway and turned, facing me.
"Yeah?" His eyebrows furrowed and I took a breath.

"I'll do it," I said, walking closer to him. What's the worse that could happen?

"What?" He cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"I'll be your fake girlfriend" His eyes widened at my statement and walked toward me, stopping right in front.

"Really?" He asked fist clenched in excitement. I closed my eyes and let out another breath "Yeah" I said, finally making eye contact with him.

He paused and lowered his hands and tilted his head once again "Wait, what's the catch?"

"After this whole thing," I said pointing between the two of us "We act like we never knew each other."

His facial expression turned into one of confusion, not knowing what I was talking about.

"We act like none of those things ever happened. We just go back to being regular classmates, get it?" I explained and stuck out a hand to seal the deal.

He nodded slowly, still taking in what I just told him but shook my hand nonetheless.

Now, this could either be the best decision I've ever made.

Or just another sign that I should stop looking for entertainment and just accept that my life is boring and there's nothing I can do about it

Either way, I'm still going to go through with it.

Plus, Rindou looked so happy when I agreed, I can't crush him now. I mean, I can but I don't wanna.

How do we even start this thing? Do we just start 'dating' out of the blue or do we have to make a process leading up to our dating?

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