Chapter ninteen

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God, I had a headache

It was Monday, and it was an awfully loud one. At the entrance, there was a crowd blocking it. The crowd was circling around something or someone. I ignored it and tried to get past, but as I said earlier, they were blocking the entrance.

"What's going on?" Sanzu asked, appearing next to me.

"Couldn't tell ya," I shrugged, trying to look for a way to get through

"Well, you might as well go see if we can't get through the gate." He grabbed my hand and dragged me through the people. It wasn't that hard for him to make way because, well, he's Sanzu.

We got to the front, and the first thing we saw was Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, and Chifuyu there sitting on their bikes. They didn't even go to this school. Well, besides Chifuyu.

Mikey saw me, and his eyes lit up, and he started rapidly waving at me, making the girls around me glared and whispered. Great, now people know that I know them.

"Hey, n/n, come over here," he continued to wave rapidly.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to him, only to feel something tugged me. Sanzu was still holding onto my hand. When he noticed, he let go, and i continued walking toward Mikey.

Once I was a few steps away from him, he got impatient and ran full force towards me and jumped, making me fall hard on my back. Everyone gasped, Draken smacked his forehead, and Sanzu rolled his eyes. Mitsuya and Chifuyu just chuckled.

"Good to see you too, Sano." I pat his head as he continued to cling onto me. Draken came over and pulled him off, making him pout and cross his arms like a child. It was adorable.

Mitsuya and Chifuyu came over and greeted. I greeted back and felt another presence behind me. I turned around to see my one and only brother. I scowled and rolled my eyes before returning back to Sanzu. I was still pissed at him for what he said the other night.

Without stopping, I grabbed Sanzu's wrist and walked away from the crowd. We made our way to the rest of the group, and they asked what was going on, and we told them.

Classes soon started and then came lunch. Everyone was seated in their usual spots, talking, laughing, I was eating, obviously. I was enjoying myself until I felt a presence behind me. 

"What do you want?" I turned my head to look at the person behind me.

"Come with me." He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the cafeteria

"Dude what the fuck? Let go!" I continued to curse and pull my way out of his grip the whole rest of the way to wherever we're going. We stopped at a empty classroom. You could tell it was empty because you could see through the glass. It was completely except for two people. They were kissing. 

My eyes widened when I recognized who they were. It was Aoi and Rindou. 

I took a step back from the window and bumped into someone. It was Keisuke. He was the one who brought me here, the one who showed me how stupid I was to think that someone would actually like me. I was right, having feelings for someone is a waste of time. It always was. I don't know what I was thinking. I clearly wasn't. 

Kei put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with apologetic eyes. I could tell that he was pitying me. I hate it. 

"Don't look at me like that." I slapped his hand off my shoulder and walked away.


You got home at your usual time, greeted your mom, and went to your room. You closed your door and crashed to the floor, your knees feeling unusually weak. You didn't know why you were feeling so drained.

Maybe it was just school, you thought

Your phone let out a ding sound, indicating that a notification had come through. It was from Rindou. The person you've been thinking about nonstop recently. Recently being the past few hours, and it hasn't been good things. 

Haitani<3: Hey, I got some huge news >_<

You didn't respond. Instead, you just threw your phone to the side and crashed on your bed, hoping to wake up from whatever weird ass dream this was. 

"Hey, wake up, you have to eat." Keisuke had woken you up, and it was now dinner time.

You stirred awake and sat up, looking at the person who just woke you up.

He gave you a sad smile that made you scoff. That made his smile drop. He quickly became annoyed.

"Okay, what the fuck is your deal?" He snapped, making you look away. "Why are you mad at me when I was the one who showed you that that idiot was cheating on you?" You didn't answer. You just kept quiet, your hair covering her eyes.

Your silence irritated him more. He reached for your shoulder, making you look at him, but what he saw made his heart clench.

You had tears in your eyes. The tears that you were trying so hard to hold back, they fell.

"Jesus Keisuke, you were right, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?" You shouted, "I should've fucking listened to you"

For the first time in sixteen years, Keisuke saw his big sister cry.

And it was over a boy.

A stupid boy who he warned her about.

"Y/n.." He reached out, but it only resulted in his hand getting slapped away. He just sat there, not sure of what to do.

He was thinking of what to do about his crying sister, but was quickly snapped out of it when he heard you talk.

"I thought he liked me," she whispered, "God, I'm so stupid," a pitiful chuckle came from her lips

"Hey! Don't speak about yourself like that," he raised his voice."You're not stupid, so don't ever say that." he stood up, "he's the idiot who lost someone as amazing and awesome as you."

You looked up at with tear filled eyes. Was he trying to comfort you right now?

"Thanks, Kei," you sniffed and smiled at him. "And I'm sorry for being a bitch." He laughed and pulled me out of bed and dragged me downstairs

I'll deal with Rindou tomorrow.

I hate this chapter so much, omggg

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