Chapter fourteen

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It was now Friday, and school had just ended. The week wasn't that long, but it was still as draining as ever.

"Hey n/n," Keisuke called, catching up with me, I stopped, waiting for him to reach me.

"I'm hanging out with the guys," I raised a brow, wondering why he was telling me. "So?" I narrowed my eyes

"They wanna know if you wanted to tag along."

I declined, telling him that I was going straight to the Haitani's house because they needed me for something.

He narrowed his eyes at me and just walked away. He was still iffy about the whole me-dating-a-Haitani thing. Solely because they were past revels since Keisukes' an ex Toman member and Rindou have been in multiple gangs that have been targeting Toman.

When Keisuke found out, he dragged me of class, demanding if what he was hearing was right. I tried to be calm about it, but that quickly failed, and it turned into a screaming match in the middle of the hallway.

I told him to mind his business, and he admitted that he was just looking out for me. I told him that that was supposed to be my role since I was the older sibling.

We eventually worked things out, and he somewhat came to terms with me and Rindou being together. He didn't stop being suspicious, though.

I dismissed his suspension told him that he was worrying over nothing.

I found myself at Haitani's doorstep quicker than I expected. I rang the doorbell and heard footsteps, but not normal ones. It's more like someone walking, really slow.

I started getting getting suspicious because they weren't at school today. The door opened, and it was Ran. He was leaning against the doorframe, looking exhausted. His non-existent eye bangs have suddenly made an appearance, and his hair was a mess.

"Hey, sunshine," He greeted, a cough following afterward. Clearly, seeing that he was sick, I smack a hand on his forehand.

"You have a fever, come on." I dragged him inside, the elder sister in me kicking in.

Their house was the same, except that there was a sick Rindou and an even sicker Ran, limping behind me. Rindou was laying on the couch under the blankets, with a runny nose, a cough, and definitely a fever.

I sighed and ordered Ran to his room, to which he silently obliged, dragging his feet. I looked at the sleeping Rindou a few feet away from me, thinking of a way to get him to his room.

I scratched my head at my narrowed options. I can't leave him here, but I really don't wanna carry him, I thought.

I let out a heavy sigh and walked towards the couch, and hoisted Rindou on my back. He's not as heavy as I thought. But that thought quickly went away as he got heavier,  I began to move, rather slowly. Walking down the hallway, looking for his room, that was across from Ran's.

I got in and gently laid him on his bed. Thank God I took martial arts, I heaved.

Okay, time to take care of them. I started with Ran, seeing as he was in a worse condition. I got a damp cloth and put it on his forehead, and made sure to cover him with a blanket. I also made sure that his head was laid properly.

Next up was Rindou. I did the same to him as I did with Ran.

After taking care of those two, I decided to make them something to eat. Looking in their cabinets, there was a lot to choose from, but I just went with the miso soup.

While that was boiling on the stove, I cleaned up the living room a bit, seeing as there wasn't much of a mess.

After a couple of minutes, the soup finished. I scooped some in two bowls and made my way to Rans room first.

"Hey, Ran, wake up," I gently shook him, and he groaned. "Come on, you have to eat something so that you can take your meds,"

He pried his eyes on and slowly sat up. I instructed him to eat the soup and take the medication afterward. He obliged.

Rindou was a different story. He didn't want to wake up, nor did he want to eat or take his medication.

"Rin, come on, you have to eat something," I said, holding the bowl of soup

"No." He turned away from me. This jackass

"Rindou Haitani, sit up and eat your soup before I feed it to you through your nostrils,"

He whined but obliged because I wasn't joking. After that happened, I sat on Rindou's floor next to his bed, resting my head on it.

I was a bit worn out mostly because of school. I closed my eyes for a bit, but just before dozing off, I felt a hand stroking my head. It made me feel more tired than I already was.

I felt heat reaching my face upon feeling something lightly touch the top of my head. Rindou kissed my head. I kept my head down so that he wouldn't see my blush.

Eventually, I heard light snores coming from him and took it as my chance to leave.

I took one last look at Ran, and he, too, was out. I left them a note on the kitchen counter and headed out.


Sorry for the boring chapter loves

Also, I've been so obsessed with billie eilish recently.

Girl- she's just so... you know?

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