Chapter thirteen

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It was Tuesday today, and right now, it was lunchtime. Ayato ditched me again today, so i decided to sit on the rooftop. Just to get some alone time.

This whole ordeal with Rindou is seriously fucking with my head. Like, I don't even know what I feel toward him. I know I feel something towards him, I just don't know what it is.

Is it normal to get a tingly feeling in your stomach when your fake boyfriend kisses you? Or is that just my attachment issues creeping in?

"God, feelings are so complicated." I groaned, falling back onto the concrete

"Why are you talking to yourself?" Someone voiced."Do you have a couple of screws loose like Sanzu?"

I jumped upon hearing the sudden voice. Wait, screws loose?

"What's up, sunshine?" Ran asked, plopping down next to me

I sighed, sitting back up, trying to find the right words. "I think... I think I like Rindou." I slapped my hands over my face, attempting to hide the redness coating it.

Ran was silent for a while, making me look up at him. He was smiling. And not the shit eating grin he usually wears. He was genuinely smiling.

"How do you know that you like him?" He calmly asked, resting his head on his hand, still maintaining the soft smile.

"Well..." I trailed off. "I get kinda nervous when he's around." I started. "And I get this weird feeling in my stomach whenever he kisses me or when he smiles at me. I also find myself smiling when I think of him. And that's another thing, I think about him so much, it's weird"

He listened intently, not looking away from me, as I was doing the opposite.

"Anything else?" He questioned

"I... get jealous, " I muttered loud enough for hum to hear...or so I thought

"What's that, sunshine?"

"I get jealous," I said, a little louder this time

"Oh?" He sounded shocked, "What do you mean?"

"Whenever Aoi's around, he always looks at her with the most adoring eyes," I explained, "And she clearly enjoys it, so she uses it against me. She even threatened to 'take' him from me," I explained further, making air quotes around the word take

Ran looked confused on the last part, so I explained to him what had happened. First, he questioned the stalking bit, then asked why she had taken a sudden interest in him.

"That's exactly what I was thinking!!" I slightly raised my voice, swinging my hands in the air.

Then the realization hit me, and I put my hand down and face the floor. Ran noticed and asked what's wrong.

"I'm pathetic." I let out a bitter sigh, followed by a light, pitiful chuckle. Ran was taken aback by the sudden self hatred and asked what I meant.

"I like someone that's infatuated with someone else. The whole reason we even know each other is because he's using me to get that someone else's attention," I took a breath then continued. "And to make it worse, I said that after this arrangement, we go no contact. This Meaning, we act like we don't know each other and that none of this ever happened."

"You're not pathetic, sunshine," he started. "It's called having feelings, and you're allowed to feel them." 

"Y/n, it's okay if someone doesn't like you back. It's not the end of the world." He grabbed my shoulders and slightly shook them

He let go and continued, "But I can tell you one thing," he paused. "He's not as infatuated with her as you think,"

Just as he said that, the bell rang for break to end. He stood up and walked ahead but turned just before the door.

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