Epilogue 1.1

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((I accidentally called Georgeson FERGUSON. Whoops. Sorry))

The once dead Nightmare has gone back to life as if it was a miracle. The Berkians were able to watch while hiding.

"What-what? How did you do that?" Sky asked as he was amazed by the sight in front of him.

"I know exactly how." A familiar viking voice spoke behind the rocks. "Hello, son."

Sky refused to go near his so-called-father. He can't deal with this man. "Hello, chief."

"Awww, come on! Don't mimick your father! C'mon son, let's talk this out."

"There is nothing to talk about!"

"Listen, here, brat-" suddenly, Georgeson's eyes saw the glowing dragon that he believes belongs to him. "I mean, sweet, dear son... We can talk about this."

"No. We can't."

"Just because you befriended these REBELS, doesn't mean it makes YOU one."

"I know. Just leave me alone. I am not your son."

"Alrighty, then. You want to play it that way? Fine.." With a snap of his fingers, all his men grabbed the teenagers's arms and tied them.

"This is how it is to you. It's easy for you, huh?! Letting men do what you want instead of doing it yourself. You're just a weak coward!!"

This left a lot of mouths hanging open. Sky has never ever answered his dad. No one knew he's a master savage.

"Oh, you really feel like a rebel do ya? Alright then,"
another snap, the guards released the teenagers. "Haha! Six of you, and all of us! And MY dragon!"

"Make that seven." Says Astrid as she came out with Stormfly.

"Eight.". "Nine." Added Ruff and Tuff.

"Ten." Fishlegs hestitatedly (coming up with a lot words) came out.

"... Eleven." Hiccup came out with Toothless.

"Nightfury? Impossible! Nightfuries are extinct!" Georgeson implyed with his face showing complete and utter shock.


Sullidia stepped out with her Nightmare. This made Georgeson even more shocked than he already is.

"You... You're DEAD!"

Sullidia smirked. "That's what you thought. You're going to pay for what you did."

Georgeson was in shock, but he knew not a couple of teenagers was going to scare him.

"Hahahha! Alrighty then. You must've escaped! Lucky you. But a bunch of nitwits on flying creatures aren't going to stop my whole army!"

"You brought your whole army with you?"

"Oh yes, you should know I always do." He smirked. "Let's see what you got."

Sullidia stepped in closer, the Erotherandous immediately walked next to her.

"What? You idiotic fool!! You're on my side! You're evil!"

"No he's not. You are. And you treated him that way. So he ended up being that way. But I know why he was willing to work with you. He's a gem guardian, wasn't he?"

Georgeson stayed quiet.

"Among the four gem guardians, the Erotherandous was able to go out of their lair hidden deeply somewhere. It's gem fell. An old crazy man managed to find the Erotherandous' fallen gem. The ultimino. The gems are attatched to them, but somehow, the Ultimino managed to fall. The crazy man gave it to my father, William. A traitor from our tribe has told you, and you longed to have that sort of power. You love having power, don't you? You wanted power. You needed it. So you can rule the world."

(UNEDITED!) Brave Little AstridWhere stories live. Discover now