Chapter 41: Can we search for FIREFLIES?!¡¿

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Hiccup's POV

Everyone settled in, and I just lied down next to Astrid.
I was looking at the moon.
And I thought about the strange looking dragon.

"There's something about that dragon that makes me feel....... in danger."

"Tell me about it..." A strange familiar voice said.

I looked at my side, and oops.
Astrid was still awake....

"Hey..... why are you still up? I thought you were asleep..."

"I have the same reason why YOUR awake too."

"And that would be..?"

"The glowing dragon.....right?" she asks me.


Although I love to lie on the ground at night, and stare at the sky... this is quite weird... next to Astrid...
I mean.. its okay to me... I don't know if she's saying 'ew' on the inside...

To tell you the truth....... Im enjoying this right now....

"So...... nice night for a flight, eh?"

"Yep. I cant even go to sleep yet..."

Hm, maybe if I ask her if we can go on a flight together.....
Well, why not?

"You wanna go on a flight?"

"What? You mean...... right now? Oh, sure..." she says while stuttering.

"Well..... let's go, I guess?"


We both stood up, and we quietly ran to Toothless.

"Okay then.... let's go now...." I say as I settled myself in

We flew off, quietly, and as we were far away from the mountain top, Toothless flew at his fastest speed.

"You okay back there?" I asked Astrid.

"I'm fine!"

"So, is this flight supposed to make us sleepy? Or just a random and nice flight?" I ask her hoping that she's going to say a random nice flight.... you know.... a romantic one.

"Hm... a nice random flight sounds good."


"Well, a nice random flight it is!!"

We flew high up, so high the clouds looked incredibly thick.
We couldn't see the sea, islands, and other dragons flying low.

"This is an awesome flight, Hiccup."
"Ha, thanks."

"I remember the first time I rode Toothless..... I thought I was going to die! I was so nervous! I thought you were gonna let me fall off of Toothless. Since you know...... you hated me."

"What? I.....i never hated you..." I say to her. Actually, I think that I'm the one who's supposed to be saying that to her.

"Haha, that's funny... I never hated you..... Actually, YOUR the one who hated me....." I continued.

"What?! I- never hated... you. Ever! Why would you think I hate you?"

"Cuz you know.... I was a dweeb then? I was described as a MESS. And, no one likes a mess."

"Well, I like messes. I think they're cute."

Wait, what?!!?! What did she say!!? Oh my-!


"Haha, I said messes can be cute sometimes.."

"Oh.... I knew it!! I AM cute!" I jokingly said.

"What? I didn't mean it like.....i mean I did.... but it sounds... kay fine!"

She's stuttering... haha, I know she means it.

"You mean MESSES can be cute, not me. Cuz what I said earlier was an expression?"

"Yeah....... Right."

To tell you the truth, this moment is half AWESOME and half plain AWKWARD.

"So..... where do you wanna go? I mean somewhere.. calming." I ask her as I cut the silence.

"Oh you know..somewhere dark with fireflies and stuff."

That sounds.... Romantic?

Nahh, it sounds AWESOME!

"That sounds cool. Sure, let's go, why not? IF we find a place like that."

"Yeah. IF...."

We flew into a forest, and I gotta say, it's pretty creepy in here.

"Toothless? Would you mind?" I say as I picked a small log.

"Hm.... no fireflies here, Hiccup."

"Yeah. I know. Fireflies don't just randomly come out.."

"Yeah, I know. Let's just fly around."

Suddenly, a blast of cold wind blew through us.

"Woo..... it's cold here."

I'm thinking of something that I'm not supposed to be thinking!!!!!


Well, it's not a BAD thing, i'm just thinking about me and Astrid cuddlin- I mean.... trying to survive.....

"Okay, no fireflies. What now?" I ask her.

"Search for some...."

"What? You crazy?"

"Real Crazy. Besides, your not SCARED are you?" Astrid annoys me as she folded her arms and pretended to be a chicken.

"Ugh, i'm not chicken, Astrid!"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go, and instead of searching for FIREFLIES, let's search for something....."


"Awesome? Cool? Scary? I dunno. Anything!"

"Okay then, let's go." I say as I went in front.

We searched, and the same time, I have the distinct feeling we're not ALONE here.

"Um, Astrid?"


"Can you check if someone or someTHING is following us?"

"Haha! I knew it! You ARE chicken!"

"No! I just have the feeling we're not alone."

"Haha, first of all, if anyone or THING was here you would've seen a beaten-up body or object by Astrid Hofferson, right?"

"Your right, but....."

"Oh come on!! Hiccup, your not actually falling for that, are you?"

"Falling for what?"


Suddenly, a strange GLOW appeared.

Hmm..... there are only two guesses...

It's either that huge glowing thing is a huge firefly, or a glowing DRAGON.


So Predictable.....


Hey guys!!

So, did you check out Valka's leaked pic yet?

You should if you haven't!!

She looks nothing like I expected, but it's ok.


And expect an Httyd 2 trailer THIS week! Before Christmas, they said that there will be a new TRAILER to be released!

I just don't know if the vid is allowed in my country.....

Ugh!!! I hate it whenever I search something up, then see: 'Sorry, this video is not available in your country' YOU KIDDING ME, MAN?

That's one thing I hate more than Slenderman!!! (@_@)

Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and......

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bye guyz!!! <3

-httydfanfictionfan/ Donna <3

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