Chapter 11: FAKER!!!!!!!!!

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(Btw, they already got all the things they Need.) :3
Oh great Odin's beard. I-it was a dagger! What's so surprising about it? BLOOD! Oh my...!!!
"Why-why would Astrid need this?"
I quickly ran outside and called Ruffnut.
"Ruff Ruff, come over here! I've got something to show you."
"What is it? Is it chicken?"
"No! Just--- C'mon!!"
We ran inside Astrid's house. Surprisingly, Ruffnut screamed.
"GYAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Ruffnut shouted histerically.
"Shh!!! I never actually thought that you'll scream."
"Psk, just today. Well....,what do you think happened to this dagger? Did Astrid kill something Or...someONE?!"
"No! she would never do something so,...,,,, crazy like that."
"Well, what do you think happened?"
"I dunno, but we'll find out tomorrow. BTW, there's 3 boys out there Probably dying in the cold right now. Don't tell anyone. I will be the one to ask Astrid."
"I repeat, DO NOT!!!!"
"Yes! Yes! Alright!!!" She replied loudly.
I took the dagger, covered it with a piece of cloth, stuffed it in my pocket, closed the lights, and ran outside. I hopped on Stormfly's back and helped Ruff get up too. I ordered Stormfly to fly as fast as we can. The wind was strongly flying through my face.
"Don't tell anyone!!!" I said in a very loud/agressive tone of voice.
"I GET IT!!!!" Ruff replied seriously and obvious annoyment. (Is that even a word?)
Hm. I guess Stormfly must've really understood and followed me, cause 4 minutes just passed, and we were Already there. (It usually takes 7 minutes.....)
I saw 3 boys with frostbite.
"Heh, sorry for the delay, guys. Here's your clothes.
"Gggggivvveee meeeee t-t-that....." Poor Snotlout. Freezing to death. I really am slow and clumsy sometimes.
"Oh yeah, try to say sorry to a guy that is about to die in a low temperature!!!!!"
"At least I got your clothes."
I rolled my eyes at him. I peeked in the cave and took out the dagger. I walked near Astrid, and eventually, she woke up.
"Huh? Is it morning yet?"
"Oh, no. Im just.....checking on you."
"Okay, Wh-what's that?"
"This? Oh, I hope you don't mind me asking, but.....,."
I unwrapped the dagger and showed it to her.
"Can you tell me how you got this? Well, let me tell you how I got this first. Well, you see... Tuff, Snotlout and Fishlegs were swimming in the pond. Unfortunately, they don't have any clothes. I told them I'll be the one to get their clothes.So......we went to Berk. End of Story.... "
" Heh. Well....that? It's nothin. Just.....,a dagger, with dragons--blood....."
My mouth was wide open.
"You-killed a dragon?! How-how could you do that How-what,...."
"HICCUP! before you rudely interrupted me, this dagger is my mother's.The dagger she used to kill a Monstrous Nightmare, Before she....passed.......away....! And, you weren't even born yet! Not even any of us existed!"
"Sorry? Sorry is all you have to say? You invaded my stuff! My privacy! You went in my house..... I, You...... ARGH!! This is so crazy!!!!"
"It's not like that!"
"What do you mean It's not like that???!! It's definitely like that! It's all that! If you'll excuse me, I am just going to walk out!!"
"Astrid, wait!!"
When we were outside, The others were asking me why Astrid isn't in a nice mood.
"Hey, what happened to you, Astrid?" Fishlegs asked.
"Um....,ueah. And why are you guys arguing inside the cave earlier?"
"You heard us?"
"Yes. Your voices are loud!"
"Excuse me...." Astrid said rudely.
She ran into the deep part of the forest, luckily, I catched up.
She didn't look back.
She still didn't look back
Finally! She stopped.
"Get away from me!"
I suddenly felt a cold chill run down my spine. Ouch, it hurts so bad. And, it wasn't a chill. It was a branch. (The branch didn't go IN my spine. You know, i just added that for dramatic effect)My spine wasn't the one broken, it was....well, nothing is broken. YET.
I felt weak, I suddenly fell backwards and passed out. Then, everything went black.

Astrid's POV

"Oh my....." I was totally speechless! I ran over to him and fell on my knees.
"Oh my Beard...... Hiccup!!!!!"
I held his head and placed it on my lap.
"Are-are you okay?"
His eyes slowly opened.
"Are you okay??"
"But-but you're back is bleeding!"
He stood up and looked at his back with a worried look. (He surprisingly stood up...)
"Hm,....that's strange. I don't feel anything painful,...."
He touched the blood, after he touched it, he smelled it! Then, he-he-......... TASTED it!!
He just reached the maximum level of disgustingness! (If that's even a word.)
I tried to see if he was crazy or something. But then,
"Mmmmm!!!!! it tastes like.,..Raspberries!!!!"
I touched the blood even if I was disgusted.
I smelled it and tasted it! Well, what can I do? My curiosity is going to kill me! (You know...,LITERALLY.)
"Hmm!!! It is raspberries!"
That's because they are!! Hehe! I thought it was real blood! I could've almost die in relief.

Hiccup's POV

Hehe..... okay! I'll admit it! I.....faked the whole thing. (HA! I FOOLED YOU!!!) What can I do? I needed Astrid to talk to me!
"You-you aren't hurt?"
"Um, yeah miraculously. Hehe...."
"Wait a minute!!!! You never say 'hehe' after getting hurt! Yo-----"
Oh no. Boo Hoo!!!! darn!
(Fact about Astrid: She knows my body language. She knows me more than..... ME!!!!)
"FAKER!!!!" She shouted.
She ran all the way to the forest. I ran and ran. Thanks Gosh I catched up (again)
She turned around... And she fell!
There was a hole covered in leaves and branches! It was a deep hole.
"Ahhh!!!! Hiccup! Help meee!!!!!"
"Hold on!!!! I'm gonna jump in there!"
I took a step backward and jumped in."
"Be careful..." I hear her whisper.
As I was falling, I can feel my soul slowly moving away from me.
"ouch." I fell hardly and loudly.
"Man! This hurts." I say.
Astrid avoided me like as if I was a big pile of dragon.....dragon........Nevermind! It doesn't sound good.
"You lied!!!! I Hate you."
She put her hand on her waist.
"I'm sorry!"
"No way! Im going to get out of here ALONE!!"
She turned around and went inside a hole.
"Wait up!"
I ran behind her.
"Hm... this is really creepy, huh?" I say.
She didn't reply to anything I said. She just shut her mouth.
Oh great, This is ALL my fault..........

(UNEDITED!) Brave Little AstridWhere stories live. Discover now