Chapter 12: How in the world?!?!

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No one's POV ?!?!?(・_・;)??!?!?

"Where are they?" Snotlout shouts at the others.
"I don't know." Tuff says.
"You don't know anything" Ruff replied.
And a minute or two, the two were already fighting.
"I do!"
"No, you don't!!!"
"Yes I do!!!"
"Guyss!!!!!! Stop it! Stop fighting!!! It would be better if we looked for the two!!"
"Eh, he's right."
"Now, c'mon!"
"What!!!! were gonna look for them NOW?!! isn't it too late?" Complained the twins.
"Yeh, he's right."
"Well, let's rest then!"
"Okie Dokie."
All of them went inside and rested.

Hiccup's POV

"Astrid! Would you please stop avoiding me?"
She walked faster.
"Astrid, you know that this won't stop me..."
"I know."
"Then why are you still doing this?"
"Look.....i just...stop."
She stopped walking and then faced me.
"You....lied to me. I guess I STILL can't trust you. I-I just.....don't want to become friends with you right now. But I forgive you. For lying and for invading my privacy."
"Oh.... well then, I guess we're good?"
"I don't know."
Then, and everything shaked. earthquake.
"We better get outta here FAST."
Astrid looked around and prayed that there might be an exit. And, lucky us, there was!
"Over there!" She shouts.
She grabbed my hand and we ran over to the hole exit.
"Quick! Hop on to my shoulder!"
"What? Are you kidding?"
"Seriously, hop on!"
Man, I'm trying to be her knight in shining armor.
When she finally escaped, she was worried about me.
"Wh-what about you? How will you get out?"
"Don't worry. You don't need to worry about me. Just.......go!!!"
"What? Can you hear what you're saying?"
She didn't listen to me. She was still out there. No matter what I say, she will never listen to me. (You know, when Im about to risk my life.)
"I'm not leaving you here!" she says trying to avoid the risk.
The Earthquake got stronger and louder.
Oh man, this is the worst day that I could ever imagine!
"Quickly! Hiccup! Grab my hand!"
I had no choice.
I reached for her hand and luckily, She was able to pull me up.
"Oh my Go- You made it!"
She hugged me! Wait a minute, she- hugged.......ME?!
"Wait, I thought you were mad?"
"As I told you, I'm not!! I just don't want to become friends at the moment. I didn't say that I was mad at you!"
"Ok-okay, thanks. I guess?"
She stopped hugging me. OH MAN!!!! :( ( ̄(工) ̄) 》
"So...So what now?"
"I dunno.."
"Hm....I wonder what or who made this hole. And was it actually an Earthquake? Or just a hinch?"
"Maybe a Whispering Death?"
"Who knows, it might be. Hm, where should we go now? And maybe the
"I asked you that."
"Maybe find some place to stay in? It's quite late."
"Maybe the others are questioning where we are."
"Yeah. I can tell."
We looked for another cave. But no luck this time.
"Oh man! I'm tired and hungry. Man!!!" I shouted and it echoed.
"Man! Man! Man!"
"Hihi. Ehoes are so funny!" Astrid sails calmly and firmly.
"Yeah. How are we supposed to rest?"
I looked around. And we were near a beach. Now I know that we're really far away from the others.
"Look! A beach!"
"Well, what do you think? We should sleep there?"
"No. We may be able to check out some sort of abandoned broken ship. If we're lucky."
"Okay, can't argue with that."
We ran to the shore and Astrid played with the sand.
"Ohh!!!!! It feels nice!"
"Let me see!"
I touched the sand and it felt extremely nice!
"Hm... It would be better if we looked for some shelter." I told her.
"Yeah, you go find that. While I am going to stay here and enjoy this nice sand. Even to cool me down"
"Okie Dokie then, have it your way."
I smiled at her. I looked around and roamed the place. It's gonna be pretty harsh tomorrow. I can tell.
Author's Note:
Okay, so it took you days to make 2 chapters? (What's new about that? XD) Once Again, I am so truly very am sorry about ANOTHER LONG WAIT. Sorry guys. A lot of projects and homework s were dumped on me and I am in a role for a play! :)
I hope you understand my delay. ;)
Im so sorry for letting you lovely Wattpaders ( what? ) wait. (That's why no one reads your story!)
Just Kidding!! ;-)

Hugs and....,you know the rest.


#Selfie!!! ;) Bet you don't know what dat means!!!! HA! MWAHAHAH MWAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!
#Corniest Laugh Ever

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