Chapter 3: Raven and Ghosteye

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I sat on Stormfly......I mean, Ghosteye and I ordered her to go to Outcast island. What our luck.

The boat was still on sea! We were flying for almost only 10 minutes and the boats were still on sea.

Then, an idea hit me. I flew to the front of the boat where my friends were.
When I was in front, they were pointing their crossbows and swords at me.

"Do not be afraid! I'm here to help you find the girl."

Ruff,Tuff,Fishlegs,Snotlout and Hiccup were surprised about what I said.

"Put your weapons down! I'm listening...." Alvin says.

"She's on Outcast Island. Preparing herself. I saw her and completely hated her."

"WHO ARE YOU!!!?!!??" Hiccup shouts.

"Shut up!" Alvin replies to him.

"Come here on board! What is your name?"

"I am Raven and this is my friend Ghosteye. We come in peace."

When we landed on board, the Outcast Guards immediately saw my weapons.

"Do not fear! That is for my protection." Hiccup looked at me.
I walk near my friends.
I wanted to tell them, but I'm not sure yet.

"Hello, who are these people?"

"That boy is our key to training dragons."
"I see, you train dragons." I looked at him wanting to tell him that it was me. I will wait for the right time.
"Alright, where are we going?"

"To Outcast Island."

"Alright! Let me just sit here." I sat near Hiccup.

"You monster! How'd you know who Astrid is?!?! What did you do to her? What!!!?!?!!" I was shocked about this. I wanted to tell him really bad!!

But, I cant. I wanted to tell all of them. But it will foil my plan. We all arrived.

The boats were on deck and I was standing still.
Then, Alvin approached me. I talked like a really old fashioned person.

"Who are you really?" He asks sincerely.
"Who am I??!! Why ask such a ridiculous question? I am Raven! Raven Claw. I am the master of Dragons." Alvin laughed.

"Ahahhahahh!!!!!!!hahahhahhah!!!! Oh, oh let me catch my breath. Oh!!!!ahhshhhaahjahjahhahga!!!!"

He's really over-reacting if you ask me.

"Alright! If you won't believe me, I shall not help you with the girl, and I also am the 'dragon warrior'. I have defeated and killed dragons." Hiccup heard me.

"What!?" He shouts.

I looked at him. "What's the matter? Didn't you kill a dragon yet? Or, maybe your too weak?" Hiccup stared really bad at me.

"Hrrr....." He growled.

"Are you a boy or girl?" Asks Ruffnut.

"Funny that you've ask, I'm a guy."

Then, they pushed Hiccup and the others all the way to the arena.
Author's note:
Hey Everyone! It's me Httydfanfictionfan . Soooooooo sorry about the shortest chapter you'be ever read. I'm so sorry! I published this TOO early, thanks!! (I just really like the name Raven Claw)
Bye bye!
Hugs and Kisses, \(^_^)/


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