Chapter 17: That Dream...

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Sullidia's POV (-_-#)

"Hello? anyone in here?" Astrid shouts.
"What is this place?"
Hello, fellow readers.... Astrid, right now is in her dreamscape.

She has interacted with one object from her past that will give will give her a hint on what is going to happen next.
Eventually, Hiccup is just having a good night's rest.
Astrid will..... oops!! I am not supposed to tell u that!
Anyways, I am Sullidia.
I am Astrid's little guide in life.
She has interacted with a magic crystal ball when she was 4, since she was too young, now is the perfect time to talk some sense.
"Hello Astrid..."
(BTW, Sullidia is just a voice.. Or IS SHE?? :3)
"Who.Who who are you? Where are you? What-wht's happening???"
"Do not worry. I am your guide today."
"Yeah. Horrible things will happen soon. I am here because you interacted with something when you were little. Oh, my manners!!! I am Sullidia."
" tell me where I am."
"You are in your dreamscape. You are suddenly sleeping peacefully with Hiccup."
"..Okay. What's gonna happen?"
"Oopsie, sorry honey. I am not suppose to reveal the future."
"Okay. But, why am I the one you're talking to? Is it because that I interacted with that something you won't tell me?"
"Not only that, its because you are one Brave Little Astrid."
(Wow. I almost peed.)
"You are a hero in the making."
"Yes. And one thing's for sure, someone will admit something for you."
"Eheheh!!!! Not supposed to tell."
"Okay. Will you be able to talk to me when I'm not asleep?"
"Of course. I am great, now aren't i?"
"Yeah, yeah. But your only a voice...."
"Don't go that far. Oh!, Anyways, you better wake up now....."

Astrid's POV

I woke up and suddenly sat.
I woke Hiccup up.
I looked at him and his eyes were red.
"Ooh. Sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay. Time to wake up anyways."
"Okay. Sorry."
"Don't sweat it."
Then, a schemingly familiar voice startled me.
"Its me! Sullidia!"
"Oh Hey."
"So, is this the guy your INLOVE with?"
"WHAT!? HOW DID YOU......"
"Before I could transfer to your conscience, I studied you, of course silly!!!"
"Okay then. Dont tell anyone."
"Oh. Wait, how am I supposed to tell anyone while I'm just a voice inside your head?"
I just laughed.
"Um, Astrid? Forgive me for asking this, but...but who are you talking to?"
"Hahah!!!!" Sullidia Laughed.
"Eheh. I just remembered this...this book! This book I read about a young girl named.....Helena!!! And she acts nice and strange.... so, I just, copied her. Since I like her actions...."
"Well, suit yourself.."

(UNEDITED!) Brave Little AstridWhere stories live. Discover now