Chapter 6: The Talk

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Hiccup's POV

I can't believe Astrid IS Raven! She fooled me really well. Okay, so our plan will be done maybe by..., tomorrow. I want to see what Alvin's face will look like if we win. IF we win. We all sneaked out with Stormfly. She was the only dragon we have. Since our plan is about training dragons, we start later. Midnight to be exact. We finally got outside the dungeons and we went to the woods. "What about the others? What if Alvin kills other Vikings? What if he kills Gobber,Bucket or Mulch? What if the main target is my Dad?!" Astrid shaked my shoulders. "Hiccup! Calm down. He's gonna be okay. I'm sure of that. Just calm down." I was really shaking. Then, we heard a loud....... Noise. A really unpleasant sound. It sounded like a roar. Or a thunder drum call. "Grhhhrrhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" "Woah! What in Odin's Beard was that?" Asked Ruffnut sarcastically. "Oh. Sorry Guys, I'm just really hungry...." Fishlegs says sincerely. "Me too." Snotlout added. "Ya know, we should go fishing. There's a pond right over there." Ruffnut pointed at a clear and clean pond. "Sure, Tuff and Ruff, you two go get some sticks we can use to make a fishing rod. Snotlout and Fishlegs, go get some fish bait. Like worms and such. Me and Astrid will just stay here." "What? No way!" Snotlout always refuses when it comes to situations like this. "Ok, so you wanna die in hunger?" "Hm. Your lucky I'm hungry. Let's go, Fishlegs!!!" Then, the four ran away. While I was watching them run in two different directions, Astrid was sitting on a rock looking at the pond. She was dipping her finger in the water. Stormfly was looking at her rider's finger dipped in the cold water. "I want to go home. I want to see the whole village peacefully, I want to see other random vikings, I want to see random dragons fly away in different directions, I want to see the farm animals, I want to see the arena, I wanna train dragons again.....but, I won't see any of those if we don't win this. We HAVE to win this we NEED to win this. I want to see everything as it is. I miss everything..." Astrid says while a tear ran down her face. "Hm. Me too." I wiped her tear using my thumb. She looked at me deeply and her eyes looked sincere. "It's gonna be okay. I can promise that." I say. ''Okay.... Um, Hiccup? Can I ask you something?" "Sure, anything you have in mind." "You know," she stood up and went near Stormfly.
"This armor is the armor you were talking about. When my hand was rashed?"
"Really? Wow. It fits her really good." "It IS invincible Hiccup,"
"Wow,really? How'd you know?"
"Do you remember when Alvin showed Stormfly that necklace?, oh which reminds me I have it righ-"
I reached for it in my pocket and my heart beated fast. I can't feel any necklace.
"Oh no!! Darn it!!!!"
"It- it's not in my pocket."
"Oh, bad luck. We can find it tomorrow."
"No, I mean it was the only way to find Toothless and the other dragons."
"It's okay. We need to find it first before the Outcasts."
''Hm, okay."
Then, silence surrounded us. It was quite awkward. I looked at her deeply while she was looking at the pond. I wanted to ask her something....
"Hey um..... Astrid?"
"This is a really weird question,."
"Okay. Tell me!!"
"Do you like Snotlout?"
"Um......definitely NO. Why would you ask a silly question like that?"
"Hm. Yeah, I wanna ask that to myself too. Well, there's a continuation to that..."
"Why don't you like him?"
"Okay, your totally not Hiccup. Snotlout?! Is that you in there?"
"No, it's me. Pure dorky Hiccup."
"Hm. I guess you are. Well, I don't like him because he's too arrogant, selfish, loud, annoying, and all other not-so-good words. Why would you ask such a silly question, Hiccup?"
"Hrmph. I'm just curious."
"Well, okay..... Oh, I have a question for you."
"What is it?"
"If you have one free day away from your tasks and chores, where would you like to go and who would you like to spend the whole day with? Toothless is off the list."
"Oh, sweet Thor's Thunder. That's an extremely hard question."
"Oh c'mon! Answer it!"
"Okay.....I would go to the cove. Where I befriended Toothless and first trained him. And the person? You. I suppose."
I can see Astrid's cheeks turning bright red. Her white pure and pimple-free face was now a tomato.
"Um. Are you okay? Why do you look so red all of a sudden?"

Astrid's POV

"Oh, geez do I really look red? Sorry."
'Oh, jinx! Okay, calm down Astrid. He's not gonna be freaked out and bothered if you don't stutter.' I say to myself. "It's okay. Doesn't matter anyways." He smiled at me. And I smiled back.
"Hm. What's taking them so long?" Hiccup asks angrily and stubbornly.
"Well, you know, it'a pretty hard looking for sticks and worms in the cold dark woods." I answered him.
He just nodded. I dipped my finger in the water again feeling the breeze. My whole hand feels different. It feels refreshing and calm.
"Hmmmm.... Maybe we should go and look for them."
"So, we should split?"
"No way!!! It's too dangerous. We need to stick together if we want to find them quickly. And I believe it's called teamwork, Astrid."
"Okay, let's go now."
I stood up and Hiccup grabbed my hand and pulled me over to Stormfly. He was the one to drive and I was at the back hugging him. We flew high. But it is IMPOSSIBLE to see. Of course!
"I'm worried Hiccup, what if they got caught? I'm scared." I say.
"Don't worry, it's gonna be alright. Trust me. All I need is trust. K?"

(UNEDITED!) Brave Little AstridWhere stories live. Discover now