Chapter 24: Snob

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Astrid's POV

Urgh! Among All the people I can be stuck with, why Hiccup?
I mean, I know I never regretted him....but....i regret that I never regretted him.
( What? Would you guys stop fighting already?)
I'm not arguing with him okay?
I'm just explaining what's right to him.
I'm so bummed out.
And you know the MAIN reason why we are arguing?
It's because of the....
Wait a minute.....
Why ARE we arguing in the first place?
Hm...its because:

We're both tired..

We're both stressed..

We're both hungry..

And we are STICKY!!

(By Sticky, we mean we NEED and I mean NEED to take a bath...)

You see...
I'm starting to...
I seriously don't know what to do....
We were both lying on the ground...
Tired, Annoyed, Hungry, Sticky and Aggressive!
Huh....more aggressive than Alvin!
This is annoying me.
"Hey Hiccup...."
He turned around and faced me.
"I-I'm sorry."
He was astonished.
"I-I -I'm really sorry too. I mean, it's my fault that we're lost like this."
"No.... I was just tired and..... I'm Sorry."
"No Biggie, I'm sorry too."
"I forgive you... So.......what now?"
"We need to rest. I Guess." He says with a tired face.
"Yep. You're right. Well..... Good Night."
"Good Night Too. Sorry Again."
"No Prob."
Huhh.....Forgiveness IS key.
Anyways, after our little argument, we slept.
Hm..... I wonder.....
--------------Author's Note---------------
Hey Guys.
Sorry for the SHORT CHAPTER.
I know, I know.....
I'm just....Super sorry.
I THINK I am going to flunk my math test....
I took my 2nd quarterly test earlier...
And I was all like:
Me: Hey, Hey...Psst!
Seat mate: What?!
Me: Hi!
Seat mate: What do you want, Donna?
Me: I was just gonna ask one really important question.. Probably SO important, it also depends on my future.
Seat mate: Really? You want to ask that now?
Me: Yah.
Seat mate: Fine. What is it?
Me: 6x+y=32.. What's the meaning of x again?
Seat mate: *facepalm
You see!?
I think my nose is still bleeding, and i'm mentally blocked right now.
So, forgive me.
Forgive me.
Forgiveness IS key you know
See you in a bit!!


#Thank You, seatmate.
#ra_ly forevah!
#What in the world does COEFFICIENT MEANS!?!?!?
#i hate


Say thank you after copying your seatmate's answer.

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