Chapter 36: Sneaking IN...(FAIL!)

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Astrid's POV

I tip-toed inside the arena.

I took out a torch.

" where are they?"

I looked around, and I heard a few clamping sounds.


It was followed by a groan.

"Ugh... Be careful Ruffnut! Your feet smells like DEAD FISH!!!"

"Like as if YOU CAN SMELL my feet."

"Ugh, yeah. EVERYnight."

I suddenly recognized those voices.

Ruff and Tuff!!!

"Ruffnut? Tuffnut!? Are you guys there?"

Then, their voices became softer.

"Uh-oh. Someone heard us. Be quiet!.."

"No! WAIT!!"


Ugh, this is going to be harder than I thought.

How am I supposed to find them?

This is SO hard. Even though im ot trying, yet.

I slowly walked down the darkhallway holding a torch.


The scary walls with torches made the whole hallway look GOTHIC.

It looked strange, if you ask me.

"Hello? Ruff? Tuff?"

Then Tuffnut spoke:

"Hey! He said my name! How did he know my name??"

"Tuff! It's me Astrid!!!!"

"Astrid?!" I know that voice.

It was Hiccup.

"We're over here! Turn Left!!!!"

As I ran to my left, i saw a dungeon.

Heads were peeking out the steelbars.

"Guys!!" I shout feeling relieved.

"Astrid!!! Thank THOR your okay!!!" Fishlegs says in sarcasm.

"Did you do it? I heard a roar earlier" HIccup asks with his face filled with curiosity.

"Do what? I'm confused here." Ruff says as she scratched her head.

"Yes, Yes i did it."

Hiccup's eyes widened like HECK.

"WHOA!! You did it?AMAZING!!! I knew you could do it!!"

"Yeah, now I have to get you guys outta there."

"NOT. SO. FAST." a large voice said from behind.

I knew it, im dead.

"Hello There, little girl. You wanna be the little HEROINE, huh? Well, sorry. You can't." Alvin said as he grabbed me by sleeve.

"HEYY!! PUT ME DOWN, NOW!!" I shout as I aimed to punch his arm.He threw me, (LITERALLY) in the dungeon with my friends.

"You won't get away with this, Alvin!!" I shout to him.

He walked away with pride and he chuckled a bit.

Heh, guess he didn't know I have the necklace.


"AWW, MAN! YOU COULD'VE FREED US BY NOW! Your so..... UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was the only chnace we GOT and HAVE!! We have NO ONE else now!!" Snotlout rudely said to me.'

"Hey! NOt to be rude, but you really crossed the line." HIccup says as he tried to defend me.

"It's just.....ARGH!!!!!!!"

I wnated to kick his stupid puny face.......

Well, at least I saved the dragons...


I did do that, RIGHT??

"Stupid Snotlout!!! At least I saved your dragon!!!"

"Imposssible! How could YOU??!"

"Okay, here!!"

SInce I was so PISSED off by Snotlout, I took the necklace off of my neck, I threw it to his face.

Now he has a purple/red/orange cheek. 

And a BLACKEYE....


"Ouchie..!!" He says as he fell to the ground"

"Ouch ALright, it looked ike it hurt." Tuffnut joked.

"It did.."

"What does the necklace do?" FIshlegs asked.

"Alvin had this, this was the necklace he showed to the dragons to keep them locked ina  strange sort of cave!! All the dragons in the whole island were captured."

"Oh, okay." Snotlout interrupted as he stood up.

"Now, all of the dragons are safe. And I brought a frie-"

Wait a minute!!! I just remmebered!!!!!!!!!


She's outside!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, we can still be FREE!!

"A friend?"


"Her name is Sullidia, and she used to be a voi-" If I tell them that Sullidia used to be a voice, they're just gonna LAUGH at me.

They might receive TOO many wounds and bruises.

"She used to be a what??"

"Um.... doesn't matter. Right now, we need to call her."

"How about dragon calls, instead?" Snotlout insisted.

"No! The dragons might just make a riot, and Alvin might just capture them once again! No... Not a good idea!" Hiccup says as he jumps to my side.

"Yep, I agree."

"Uh.. Okay, I'll call her."

"Her name is SULLIDIA."

"Okay, woo.. Okay..... SULLIDIA!!!!!" As he screamed, he fell to the ground, AGAIN.. Dramatically.

That was loud, but not loud enough.

You might think that it is impossible to call Sullidia right now, but nope.

Voices can echo through the hallway.

It's a good thing Alvin wasn't here.

"I'll try." Fishlegs volunteered.


That was LOUDER, but not loud enough.

"Hiccup? You wanna try?" I asked Hiccup as I faced him.

"Um..... I can't. Nope. Ugh, SORRY!"

"Okay, anyone?"

"My bro can do it." Ruff volunteered his brother, Tuff.

""Who?? Me?"

"Yeah, remember the 'Smiley Dance?'"

"Yeah! That- WAIT A MINUTE!!! That hurts..."

"What's a Smiley Dance?"

"Whenever me and and my brother wake up, we do it. It's sort of our excercising in the morning."

"Okay.... Can you..... Are you sure its not as bad ass we think?"

"Give it a shot...."

"Okay, you ready Tuff?"

"Ready Ruff."

(UNEDITED!) Brave Little AstridWhere stories live. Discover now