Guide to traumatize god

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I can't help but wonder what the fuck I'm going to teach the gods about humanity. News flash darling, humanity isn't great. They suck real ass, which is a bit ironic because in today's light almost every human has or wants a fake ass. Why?! Because of men. The source of most of our problems. Ladies don't get comfy because we are also part of the problem. How? Well, we either are a bystander or a offender. No in between... well, that was a lie. Sometimes we are also victims and that's not our fault. Even men can be victims, they are also suffering. Humanity it's not all bad but it isn't all good either. So back to my main issue, what the hell am I going to teach them? Look at me overthinking at night... I'm tired and in pain and not even Yato can turn off my pain. Humans and gods aren't so different. They both cause pain and joy...and you can't help but love them, which will always be your downfall. Why? Because love isn't enough to fix their issues. It would never be.

With this ending thought I start falling asleep with Yato cuddling me.

*At the bitchy but beautiful morning *


Yato shakes me gently. I don't want to wake up just yet so I drag yato back to bed.

"Athena wake up or you will be late"
"10 more minutes"
"We both know that 10 will become 20 and then 40, get up."

Redundantly I get up and when I tried to go back to bed, Yato  stops me and drags me to the bathroom. I shower and sleep in it for a minute but then Yato wakes me up by banging the door.

"Girl, wake up and get out of the shower."
"Yes, mom"
"Don't start"

I swear that he loves to nag. He should take my role if he wants to keep nagging. I get dress and then I get out.

"Shush, a girl needs to take care of herself."
"You were sleeping in the shower, how is that taking care of yourself?"
"You wouldn't understand"
"I really wouldn't"

I ignore him and say good morning to Lisa. They seem to like Yato but he is more reserve. Its understandable though, Yato has been back stab more time than I can count, obviously not by me, and when he gets to actually trust someone he gets a bit protective. Which can't say I mind cause I do the same. If you mess with Yato you mess with me. His not only my best friend his my family, the only family I have left. I can't lose him.

We go to the classroom and I'm not surprised when I don't see Loki, Takeru and Thor.

"Good morning, sunshine"

Hyper and cheerful as always.

"Morning Dion, Hades and Tsukito"

At the same time they returned my greeting. Yato greets them too and the we get to our seats. Thoth then starts the lecture. It was so fucking boring, everyone was falling asleep. And that's how disaster begun. Baldr was trying to wake up Dion but in the process fell. Don't ask me how cause I'm confused too. Anyway, Dion jumps and starts yelling about monsters making the whole class panic. It was amusing to watch. Thot then slam shut a textbook making the whole class silent.

"Damn, who piss on his coffee?"

Yato whispers in my ear making me stifle a laugh. I mean, I was thinking the same thing a the day I met him. We couldn't be more in sync.

"For real"

I whisper on his ear but before he could reply Thoth slams shut the door. He left, the grumpy bastard left. Just like that.

"Go give the class and torture them until your hearts content."

Have I say how much I love this precious millennial virgin?
I stand up and prepare myself to traumatize and very single student here. Can't really traumatized Yato more than he is but hey is the thought that counts. 

"Settle down everyone, I'll continue the class."

Every lets go a breath out of relief but what they don't know is that they will wish that Thoth came back. Will they sleep in my class? If they do I'll be impress because what I will teach will either make they want to run far away from me or just puke their guts out. Or at least I'll try to have that reaction.

"Ok so, today we will talking about drums please"

Yato stars hitting the desk like a drum and then the rest copies him.

"The human body!"

How can the human body traumatized people? Oh you will be surprised.

*1 Censored hour later*

So yeah, they are officially traumatized. But on the good side they didn't sleep in my class... Btw, what do I do if make a good cry?

*sob* "they develop from a butthole" *sob*

(This is actually true)

"Oh honey, don't cry. That just they way life works"
"By being develop from the asshole?!"

Holy shit, did Apollo just cuss?!

Yato starts laughing and I just stay there frozen in shock. I hug the poor guy and he clings to me... this might have been a really bad idea.

"Yato, stop laughing!"

He didn't stop. I spend the the whole lunch consoling Apollo. Yato by then calm down but he was still giggling every once in a while. After a while me and Yato stray going back to class. As we walk Thoth Kamedons me in a wall. That didn't sit right with Yato. I repeat what I said before, if you mess with me you mess with Yato and you don't want to mess with Japanese god of calamity. Believe, Yato might seem like a harmless silly god but the fact is he can kill you with no reason at all and still sleep like a baby. So what did Yato do to Thoth? Well he put a sword on his neck making it bleed.

"If you ever pull a stun like this again I will make sure that not even Zeus will find whats left of your body

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"If you ever pull a stun like this again I will make sure that not even Zeus will find whats left of your body."

Shiver run through his spine and fear in his eyes pools. Slowly he backs away from me and Yato tools out the sword.

"Very well... Athena, summer has begun. You will plan a activity with the gods without
"Excuse you? I have a deal with Zeus, I will teach them my way and how I want to. You have no right to tell me what to do."
"...Your right, but how are you going to teach them when you only want to be with
Yato-gami. Rarely, you been spending time with the gods."

Point taken

"...I'll think about it."

He walks away. It's summer so I go back to my room with Yato.

"Back so early."
"Yeah, it's summer"

Zeus must have change the season.

"Do the gods know?"

Lisa asks me and I shrugged.

"Don't know and don't really care about it either."

Lisa sighs and leaves me alone with Yato.

"I think you should do it"
"Do what?"
"The activity with the gods without me"

To say I'm confused and surprised it's an understatement. Like, are you for real? Is this a bad fucking joke?

"Thea, when are you going to stop running?"

To be continued...

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