The start of history pt.2

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Balde's POV

As soon she found a spot she liked she pressed her hand to the trunk of the tree and asked for permission to climb it when she felt the permission was given she climb it. My breath got caught in my throth when I saw her shine as she pointed an arrow to a target and without hesitation she let the arrow go, perfectly shot in the head. She then climbed down and checked the prey she caught, a pretty big fallow deer. "I hope you didn't suffer" she whispered to the body. As she was taking the arrow out she sweared "Fuckkkk, I forgot to bring the damn wagon" she stand up and stretch her back then she whistled so loudly it hurt a bit. A few minutes later her brother brought a wagon pulled by a horse "seriously, sis, again?" He said with a done tone. He look about 6 and looked just his dad but his hair and eyes were all his mother. "I love you" Athena said as she got the deer in the wagon. They laugh and joke all the way until the got out of the Forrest and left the deer for their dad to clean. "You clever brats" He said smiling "but we are your clever brats" Athena retorted and her father just smiled. As we enter the house they are already dinning "foods great sis" Her brother praised her and she jut kissed his head "thank you" She answered.

Her happiness is so precious, the way she's devoted to her family is so much alike her dad. i cant helo but wonder what made things bitter?

Dionysus pov

She used to give me that smile and devotion, made the food for the parties, always making new followers feel comfortable but that smile was only reserved for me. She never spoke about her family, never, and that angers me. We shared everything about ourselves, I knew what she did to Olympus and I didn't care so what was so awful about this lovely family that she never shared anything about them? I even told her my truth, that I'm no god just a demigod, when I didn't even told my best friend, Adrianne. "Mom, I'm going to the village, do you need anything?" Athena said and her mother flinched. "Are you sure sweetie?" Her mother asked worried which confused me. "Yeah, I am mom" Athena responded while taking her hand and kissed as a form of respect. "Just be careful, ok?" Her mother posture relaxed as she said this words. "I will, but do you need anything?" Athena asked again. "Nothing child" Her mother answered "Dad?" Athena then looked at her father. "You know I make what I need" he said smirking and Athena just nodded and smiled. "Tyr, you need anything?" She then asked her little brother. "Nothing" He said as he finish his dinner. "Got it, I'll be back at noon, I'll make a stop at the beach" she said as she stands and goes to clean her dishes.

When she walk towards the door we were in the beach she was just standing and letting the water take all of her burdens. Athena has always had a strong connection with sea, at first I didn't understand but watching her be so happy when she's near it is an absolute gorgeous view.

Takeru's pov

When I asked her if she liked the sea at the camp I never knew it was this deep. I can feel her as she enters my domain, I can hear her heart beating and how her fears just disappear when she's in the sea. The sea is truly her heart and I regret never noticing. She reluctantly leave and makes her way to the village. The people were looking her weird and gossiping but she just ignore it. She makes her way to a shop were the owners eyes light up when he sees her. "Hi mister Theo" she greeted the older man "Thea, what a pleasure to see you. You look beautiful just like your mother" He said so casually my chest tightened "thank you, I got you the arrows you asked me to make" Athena said as she gives the man a sack full of beautifully made arrows, just by the structure I know those arrows are of really good quality. "Thank you dear, here is your money" Theo said, giving her a coin pouch. "You should come to the solstice celebration" He added smiling kindly "I'll think about it" Athena said with a soft smile and then left but at her way someone stops her. "Athena, daughter of Loki Olsen. How does it feel to be the daughter of a foreigner with the name of evil" Athena wasn't amused she just look at him in the eye and smirked "it feels amazing, how about you? Oh right your father left you the moment he saw you" She retorted and I could see Loki smiling. "At least my fathers name doesn't mean evil" He said back but Athena's smile just dropped "Evil? You called the lord of mischief evil? Man, I can't believe we were once friends." She said as she crack her knuckles "neither can I" he responded spitefully but before he could say more Athena punched him making fall to the ground, got on top of him grabbed him by the collar and kept pushing until a one of his teeth broke. She wiped the blood in her knuckles with his clothes and said "Loki means strength, dip shit" she then stand up and kept going forward. "Good afternoon" she said to a group of young men looking at her terrified. Loki's cheek were red but neither of us commented on it. "Did she just change my name's meaning?" He whispered to himself.

Back at her home it was night time and as we walk to her room I almost stumbled at what I saw, golden wings. She was looking at them with a pained expression and when her mom saw her she panicked. "Athena you know you can't never show your wings" she scolded harshly and Athena flinch and immediately her wings kinda just disappeared into her body, I don't I never seen this before. "Sorry, I just wanted to... I don't know" Athena muttered while fidgeting with her nail. Her mom sigh and sat her in her bed. "Thea, we aren't humans like your dad and their aren't people him that will accept us no matter what" Her mom explained and Athena bite her lip a bit harsh. Her mom took her hands and then summoned a flame between her hands. "We need to stick together but hidden baby, I know it's painful but the world is not ready for us" Each word was piecing Athena, I could see it as her posture tensed even more. Her mom then touch her chest lightly. "You are not like me and your brother, you have a power that can destroy the world that's why I made that charm to restrain your power. Do you understand?" Her mom asked but her voice broke a bit. Athena nodded but it didn't please her mom. "Baby, you got to understand that to the world we are no celestials we are monsters" that was the final blow for Athena as her eyes tear up. "I understand mother" she said almost robotic but I treasure her mom. "Thank you my sweet, may the gods bless you with good dreams" She said as she kissed Athena's forehead and then left and closed Athena's door and the moment it close her tears fell and so did my heart. She climbed through the window and started running like her life depended on it just like the day she had nightmare. I know were she's going.

Athena ran until she reached the beach and entered it deep enough that her waist was covered. Silence, the night stilled and her screams were released. I tried to hold her like I did in the beach but it was futile. My heart ache for her.

She stayed their until her father saw her and hugged her. "How did you know I was here?" Athena asked "I will always find you little mouse even if you walk to the ends of the world" He softly answered and she then hugged him tighter. "I love you dad" Athena's voice broke with a sob "I love you too" He said back hugging her just as tightly.

I close my eyes and we were back at the house and everyone was having breakfast except Athena who was outside . "Mom, theirs a letter for you" Athena said as she sit in her spot and started eating. "Thank you my sweet" Her mom answered but as she read the letter her expression soured "they are doing the ceremony" she whispered so only her husband could hear. His shoulders stiffened and it alerted Athena "what's going on?" She asked worried "Tyr we must speak to your sister in private" her mother ordered and Tyr kissed his sister in the cheek and immediately left. "Thea, my sweet theirs a ceremony done every 20 years in which all women are gathered to be chosen by the gods" she said shaking a bit. "And that's bad because?" Athena asked "....the gods are darker than you think my sweet" Her mother uttered and Athena was surprised "mom, you make us pray every dinner" she said and her mother just starts crying "because the moment you were born I knew I could make you hate but love" Her mother explained as her tears scared Athena more "why would I hate the gods, they protect us" She said even more scared "Thea, your a strong woman but we might have caged you from the real world in hopes that you didn't end like us" Her father said gently "we don't have to go" Athena said trying to sooth her mother "you don't understand Athena, we have to go"

to be continue.......

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