Athena Fuck up Olsen

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  And when our eyes meet I feel something strange. My chest starts hurting and a headache out of nowhere starts. His eyes were filled with relief but sadness under it. Who is he and how did he recognize me?

"It's been a while, Thea. How are you?"

How does he know that nickname, only Yato and my brother call me that. Maybe he confused me with someone that's also call Athena. How knows.

"Do I know you?"

He steps back as if I stabbed him, which I didn't.

" It's me, Dionysus."
"Yeah, you got the wrong person."
" wait- what do you mean? This isn't funny, Athena."

He steps closer to me but I get scared so I step back. Yes, even I get scared. Listen, Even tho this handsome as fuck, wine color hair and with gorgeous olive color eyes thinks he knows me, for a strange ass reason my body reacts to him and not a good way.

"Dude, you have the wrong girl

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"Dude, you have the wrong girl."

His eyes turn empty, like the other guy but different, it was emptier.

"Athena, did you erase me from your memories ?"

Does words gutted me,but why? Why does it hurt so much to even look at him? My head started spinning and my vision blurred until darkness overtakes all of me.

    *Fuck up gods only know how long*

    Warmth was that I could feel and not the kind that suffocates you. It was familiar... I like it. Scared that the warmth was going to disappear I tightened my hold on the source. I cling with all my might to the warmth and as I do gently someone plays with my hair. I didn't freak out but maybe I should? It just feels so good... I don't want, whoever they are, to stop.


Someone chuckles at my ear, it was low and raspy, and it sends a delicious shiver on my spine. I want them to do that sound again and again for some odd reason... I want to feel that shiver once more... Is it weird of me to want that? Maybe, but at least I'm not in denial of what I want. Actually, I want to feel and hear it now.

I open my eyes to a sight to be behold. Dionysus with his shirt plus hair mess up while the sun hits him in the perfect angle. I must admit, he look liked a god and I really wouldn't mind being of service to him. He didn't stop caressing my hair, which I'm grateful, until he saw my fuck up expression. I'm not blind to my needs, I know I have the horniest expression. I mean those head scratches just felt too good and his lips look so gorgeous. Hope that isn't an insult. I could help but trace his lips and start getting closer to them. Dionysus closes his eyes while parting his lips a bit. I take as consent but of course I could kiss him but something or more specific someone pops in my head. The biggest cock blocker.

"Athena, stop being a whore!"

When I hear yato's voice in my head I scrunched my face. I confirm, even his voice dries me more than a desert. Perfect cock blocker. I swear, this hundred year old virgin will be my demise.

I kiss his forehead instead, not letting the guy with empty hands. After all I did lead him on. I stretch and breath deeply... I repeat, I breath.
My nose it's not fuck up anymore. FINALLY!!
Thank you dear mother, I love you. Of course as I mentally celebrate and breath again to feel the air in my nostrils I came to notice that the guy is a god... well, there goes my good mood. I stand up and look around. I was in a nursery, I think he brought me here once I pass out cold. Why did I ? who knows, I'll just be more careful.

" Did you bring me here?"

He hugs my waist and puts his head on my shoulder. I didn't mind, actually I kind of like it. I stroke his hair gently, when I do he made a pleasurable sound. I chuckle a bit when he does. He pulls me back to the bed and gets on top of me.

"I did, are you ok?"

I found it funny how his asking me that while on top of me and still managed to look concern.

" yeah, I'm ok"

Why don't I hate you? Your a god and I'm... well I don't know what I am, yet I'm supposed to hate you for the atrocities your kind did to mine, and here I am not hating you at all, almost kiss your soft lips and wishing I did. I only have two exceptions, I don't need a third one. I only need Yato and kofuku.

"Did you really forget?"

I look at his eyes, they were filled with anger and so much sadness.

"You disappeared for centuries. Everyone thinks your dead but I knew even if you did you would come back to me. And here you are but with no memories?"
"I have my memories, just not of you, I know who I am."
"Do you, really?"

I smirk and his words get stuck on his throat. He was out of breath, like I took his air out his lungs.

"Of course I do, do you know who I am or do I have to remind?"

I push him into his back and straddle his lap. His breath shallows and I get off the fact that I the reason why his feeling this way. His hands find their way to my hips and I sit comfortably on him.

"Why did you forget about me?"
"... I actually did die, I been reincarnating for a while now. My memories are most probably fuck."
"...I see"

He looks a bit relieved with my explanation yet his still sad. I smooth over his frown and he closes his eyes as I do. I guess his enjoying the feeling of my touch.

"You dyed your hair"

He saids while reaching to touch it.

"I did"
"Your full of questions aren't you?"

He laughs a bit and takes a bit of my hair and kisses it.

"That tends to happened when you see someone you haven't in a while"
"I guess it does... I don't really know why I dyed it, I think it was a impulse."
"Mhmmm, are you going to let it grow back to its natural color?"
"I don't know yet, I like the color it reminds me of my mother and younger brother."

  He sits up and as he does I close my legs on him while he hugs my waist, not letting each other go. We look at each other eyes and start getting closer until...

To be continued...

If you haven't watch noragami, which you should, yato and kofuku looks like this

If you haven't watch noragami, which you should, yato and kofuku looks like this

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