Enlil Aurelius Olsen

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My phone rings a special tone, my son it's calling me... way to early. He hates the getting up early just like me, so this is so bizarre. I released Loki's hand instantly, and reach for my phone.

"Morning Enly"

I say happy and concern.


I smile at his whine.

"What's wrong, baby?"
"Where are you, I'm at your apartment but you aren't here 🥺"

I laugh at him and he just gets whinier.

"Why are you there so early??"
"...ᛗᛟᛏᚺᛖᚱ ᛁ ᛚᛟᚡᛖ ᚤᛟᚢ"

Oh no, what did he do?!

"What did you do!!??"
"I just told you I love you, can't a son tell his mother he loves her??"
"Not when he saids in a guilty tone, so what did you do??!!"

I press and he keeps silent for a moment until he finally confessed.

"Don't get mad, plis 🥺"
"I promise nothing, Enlil Aurelios Olsen, what did you do?"
"Geez, mother. Can't you have a lil bit of compassion?"

I love this kid, but his seriously getting on my nerves.

"You have ten seconds"
"Wait- wait, mom..."
"..., I love you mom ❤️"
"Ok, bye mother"
"Don't you fucking dare-"

He just hang up on me... on his own mother, what a brat. I try to call him again, but he block me.


Before I could call his uncle, Loki hugs my back and all the Gods seem to be awake. Damn, I must woke them up.

"Mmh, what happened?"

Balder asks while rubbing his eyes.

"My freaking son broke my favorite katana, after warning him over and over again to not touch it!!!"

"If it broke it means it wasn't good in the first place."

Takeru saids, pissing me off. That sword means a lot to me, that's was the first swords that Tyr made and he gave it to me.

"...my brother gifted to me"

His eyes soften and I look away. I can't bear look at the pity. I start calling Ciel, Enlil's uncle and one of my best friends for life. The phone only rings a two times he answered. I get up from the mattress and go outside to talk to him.

"What's up, doll"

I say at the verge of tears, which alarms him.

"What happened?"

His worried voice eases my mind a bit, but I'm still hurt. My son broke something really valuable to me and he just block me.

"Enlil, broke the sword Tyr gave me and when he confessed, he block me."

My tears fall and I feel Dion's hand on my shoulder.

"He did what now?"
"...*sob* he block me"
"I'll call you in a minute, doll. Don't worry your pretty head, ok?"
"Don't hurt him"
"I won't hurt him to badly"
"Talk to you later, bye"

When I hang up and turn around to face Dion, he extends his arms to give me the option to lean on him or not. I hug him, and he envelopes me in so much comfort.

"I'm so sorry, love"

He whispers and I just hug him tighter. We go back inside and the others crowd me.

"You good, speedy?"

I laugh, I guess is not that bad when he calls me that way.

"Let's go have breakfast, fairy!"

We all eat, even Loki. I made sure he was. We spend some time doing activities. At the end of the day, I light some fireworks. They seem absolutely in trance with them.

"Fairy!! Come with us"

His smile almost blinds me. I decided to stay sitting though. I'm tired and not in the mood. As I was enjoying the fireworks I feel two presence behind. When I look Ciel and Enlil were their. Enlil look really ashamed and sad. He didn't even want to look at me.


I look back to the fireworks, ignoring him. I hear a slap and when I look back, Enlil was rubbing his arm.

"*sigh* I don't want any fake apology"

I said and Enlil looks even worse at my words.

"Mom, I'm so sorry"

I don't answer. Enlil sits next to me and we look together the fireworks.

"I know it's not excusable but I just always dreamed of holding that sword because of how you always look at it like it was the most precious and powerful sword and when I broke it I just panic."

He kept rambling and picking his fingers so I just hold his arms.

"I'm not mad just disappointed in you"

He looks pale like a ghost drops his head on my chest.

"ᛗᛟᛗ, ᛁ'ᛗ ᛋᛟᚱᚱᚤ"
"I know you are"

Kiss his head and rub his back. I'm hurt, but I can't stay too mad at him. His my child and I know he'll make it up to me. He always does, even so, like he said it does excuse his behavior. While I'm no longer mad at him, my trust in him will need some time to recover. Ciel sits at my side, still looking mad as fuck.

"Here, I was able to fix it"

Ciel gives me back my katana and I almost cried out of relief. I wrap my arm around his waist and lean on him.

"Thank you"

He kisses my head with care and leans back into me.

"Always, doll"
"Don't call my mom that 😠"
"You, shut up. I'm still mad at you"

I laugh at their convo and just enjoy their presence. I stand up and drag them to meet the gods.

"Guys, I want you to meet my son and-"
"And your best friend for life plus his uncle"

I roll my eyes at him and he kicks me playfully in my foot.

"This is Ciel, my best friend for life-"
"Thank you"
"Stop interrupting me, and this is my son, Enlil Aurelius Olsen."

They all shake hands and present themselves. As they do, I secure my katana. When I come back, Enlil hugs my back and places his chin in my head.

"Enlil looks like a carbon copy of you."

Dionysus tells Ciel and I laugh because it's so true.

"That's because his dad and I are triplets l, together with my other brother we look like quadruplets"
"To me you guys are really different"

I say while wrapping my hands on Enlil's

"That's just you, ᛗᛟᛗ"

I was going to reply but Loki separates me from my son and takes his place. Enlil looks like he will commit arson.

"Give me back my mom 😠"

Loki tightness his grip on me and he sticks tongue out at my son.


Baldr exclaims when he see his fiends actions. He and my son try to get me out of his grasp, but Loki only tightened even more.

"Loki I can't breathe, let go please"
"Mmmh, how about no"

His grips relaxes a bit, yet he won't let me go. It wasn't until...

To be continued......

Enjoy 😉

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