Different type of chance

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     Balder said excitedly and I give a small smile  at his happy face.

"Sure, lead the way love."

I say while making a fancy hand movement. He chuckled at my silliness but complied with my request. We go trough the gods room and pulled up the pillows and blankets. I was carrying the pillows while Balder the blankets. Then out of nowhere he steps on one of the blankets and trips.

"Are you ok?!"
"Ooof, yeah"

He said, pain evident in his voice. I help him get up and inspect any posible injuries.

"That was one nasty fall, love?"

Blushing he lowers his head towards the floor.

"Are you sure you are fine?"
"I am, miss Athena"
"Hmmm, if you say so."

I don't believe him one bit but I can't really do anything so I just took the blankets and gave him the pillows.

"I am really fine, miss Athena. I Can carry the blankets just fine."
"Love, firs stop calling miss, Athena is just fine and second I am not risking it."

Smiling at my answer I continue to go towards the stairs to put the stuff on the floor.

"Ok guys, buckle up cause I need to tell you something"

And like magic I have their attention. Now we have a small problem. The inflable mattress that I could find with Baldr won't be able to fit us all, and sleeping in the floor is hella uncomfortable.

"We won't all fit in the inflatable mattress, soooo who wants to sleep in the couch??"

I feel like I'm married again... How fun. They give me a confused look and immediately I knew that they have never heard or seen an inflatable mattress. I keep forgetting that they are from different, my bad. Once I explained, they divided themselves. In the mattress with me would be Apollo, Baldr, Loki and Takeru. The rest went to the couch, which is really comfy.... It is, I swear it is.

I was in the middle of Loki and Baldr, unfortunately, and Apollo was at the right side of Loki, while Takeru was in the left side of Baldr. We watch a few movies until midnight. I don't really remember much about how I fell asleep, only that it was really warm and cozy... until it wasn't. Dark and cold... the smell of metal and blood flood my senses, overwhelming with this uneasy. Opening my eyes, immediately I know where I am. This is the middle of Epirus, my hometown. The place where my parents finally settled... where it all started.


  Cheery yet gruff, the voice of my father. I look in the direction it calls me with immense desperation. Tall, with dark orange hair and the freakiest blues that have always look after his family. My guardian, the person I look up to, my dad.


Screaming and running towards him with so much pain and relief. Colliding with his body while laughing together. I missed this so much, I missed him, I missed my family with agony. I want to cry with the relief yet burning sensation in my chest. I want to laugh and smile, it my dad his ok, he's alive... where's mom and Tyr? I get up and give my father my hand to help him stand up.

"Where's Tyr and Mom?"

I ask looking around, trying to find my little brother and mother.

"What do you mean?"

My dad ask making me look back at him... When I do, his face fills with blood. No longer did he look healthy. Burn and charred his body looked, while his tears where filled with blood.


I wanted to scream but I couldn't even move. Chills run through me when I feel I cold hand that had the appearance of a corpse touch grab my chin to look at them. It was my mother. She was no longer the beautiful black haired woman of my memories but a bloodied corpse with a smile on her face. Horror and dread suffuse my body.


My voice breaks, tears fall and the coldness finally numbs me until two big calloused hands  snap my head towards them. Bloodied black hair, scar on the left brown and the most bluest eyes that once had so much hope and life in it, now filled with nothing, with stabs and a huge slash that crosses his chest. My brother, my little brother, my friend for life, the person who I vowed to always protect until my last breath, Tyr Olsen Achilleos.

"You survived, yet we didn't"

His abnormal scratchy voice saids. I couldn't say anything to that except look at his eyes.

"...I'm sorry, brother"
"Your apologies won't bring them back, they won't wake me up"

I tried clinging to him but I start falling into into a dark abyss that out of nowhere showed up. Then I woke up with a big breath of air, as if I was drowning and sit up quickly. I tried to calm myself but I just couldn't so I get out of whoever's arms I was and started running without stoping. No destination, I just run. Without notice I run towards the beach but still don't stop until I'm struggling running in the water. Then I stop... and scream. Tears fall non stop while I scream and fall in my knees. I get socked in the water but I simply do not care. The water reaches my neck, but it does nothing to sooth me. I scream and cry. There truly gone, aren't they? I lost them.

As I fall deeper into my crisis, someone hugs my back. Without even thinking I hug turn around to hug them back.

"I got you, come on breath in with me."

Takeru said while holding me firmly yet gently. I don't really follow with him though, im to immerse in my panic to really understand what he means. Taking notice of this he takes my hand and put it's on his chest, exactly where his heat is. He is doing exactly what I did earlier with the other gods. Feeling his breath and heart, I copy him. Breath in, breath out.

"That's it, girl, your doing good"

Breath in, breath out with him in sync. We do this for at least five minutes until I calms down.

"...thank you"

I say without looking at him and a weak voice.

"Your welcome, are you ok?"
"I am now..."

Shame, a feeling I haven't the honor of feeling in a really long time.

"...look at me"

Takeru saids with such gentleness, that if I told you, you'll probably call me delulu. Even so, I just couldn't. So he grabs my face carefully, almost scared of hurting me. Finally, I look at him. And what I found in his beautiful amber eyes? No judgment, just concern.

"What happened?"

Tears fall again and he wipes them with so much care that I could help but close my eyes.

"...they were covered in so much blood"

I sob while saying this. Takeru didn't question me anymore, he just hold me. After what felt like half an hour of crying, I finally stop but he doesn't let go of me yet. Look at him and he........

To be continued....

Author is sad, so Athena is sad 😞
Enjoy tho!!!

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