Vacation equals no fucks to give

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I quickly regained my composure. Meaning, I cried some more, dried my eyes for them to cry even more, to finally surrendering and just going to the bathroom. When I got back with a clean face, the others arrived.

" Athena!"

Balder says smiling at me, I wave at him and sit with the Greeks. Now that I think about it, it's so weird to call them Greeks when I myself am one. I sit back to my place between Apollo and Dionysus and continue eating my meal.

"Good morning Athena, do you mind if I sit and eat with you and your friends."

Yes, I do

"Of course you can eat with us Bald-Bald"

Before I could say something, Apollo beats me to it. I raised my eyebrow at him until I process the nickname he gave Baldr and stated laughing like a maniac. This sun like god just made my day, Bald-Bald, and I thought my nickname was bad. This poor guy has it worse. Dion smiles at me and Apollo and Bladr just look at me confuse. I hug Apollo while laughing and he just hugs me back while smiling. Baldr sits besides Apollo looking at us in a way that makes my hair stand up. He gives me massive yandere vibes and I do not like it. I let go of Apollo and continue to eat my cold but still good as fuck breakfast. Once, Baldr sits with us the other northics join us, making the space a bit crowded.

"Baldr, their are too many Gods here let's go eat in another table"

Please do

"But I want to stay with Athena!"

But I don't want to stay with you! I almost said but keep it in, I don't need problems right now. Thankfully I'm done with my meal. I stand up to leave and trow away my trash but Baldr stops me.

"Where are you going?"
" To trow away my trash"

Relief costs his eyes and ,for the million time, it rubs me the wrong way.

" I'll go with you!"
"Ummm, it's like a few feet away no need to come."

  His eyes sadden but I don't paid it mine. I go towards a trash and trow away the trash, but then I started to crave chocolate cake. Not any chocolate cake, I want the one Sam's has, the store that has practically everything. Like it's so creamy and just perfection. Is it posible that they have something similar here? I go to the woman that gives us the food and asked and guess what? THEY HAVE IT. I officially call this prison, heaven. I grab a bunch of spoons, no need for plates we'll just eat it straight up from the container, and head happily to the crowed table.

"Put two tables together, you guys are suffocating me."
" yes, ma'am!"

  Apollo saids with a grin. They do as I said and now I'm definitely more comfy. Again, I sit between the brothers. This made Baldr sad but I have no fucks to give.

"Who wants cake?"
"What's that?"

  Apollo ask and my face crumbles. I put my hand on his cheek, look him dead in the I and say...

"You don't know what cake is?!"
"Umm, no"

He gets nervous but I hug him.

"I'm gonna make this memorable"

I say seriously but Dion laughs at me.

"Don't laugh, this is a tragedy!!"

Dion just laughs louder.

"I have never had cake either!!"

Balder saids and I swear my face just falls even more.

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