Change in time

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  Loki starts laughing at my respond, can't really be offended. I mean, they are from different times. In their times virginity is something considered sacred and only for someone special. Times have change and not everyone thinks like that anymore. I certainly don't.

"You need to tell us that story one day."

Loki says and I just shrug at him, not giving him any responds. I close my eyes and let warm envelope me in its sweet comfort. This is most definitely helping with the cramps. As I enjoy the hot spring a finger suddenly pokes my cheek.

"What do you want?"

I ask annoy at the disturbance of my peace.

"Atheeena, I'm bored"

Loki whines and I peek open my right eye to look at him. He was pouting cutely... more like disgusting.

"...Do you wanna see who can hold longer their breath under water?"

I say when the idea pops into my mind.

"Fairy, I want to participate too!!"

Apollo's excited voice makes me smile at him.

"Sure the more, the merrier."
"Miss Athena, I also would like to participate"

We go into the center and count to three . Once we reach three we submerge. I did what exactly like my dad taught me so I could last longer. One, don't shit your pants with panic, two, get the air out of your lungs steady and slow like mom and three get into your rainbows and glitter world, aka your safe head space. Listen to me lovelies, this tricks work wonders but you need practice. As I got really into my rainbows and glitter, suddenly I hear coughs and wheezing. Immediately, I stand up to see Loki and Apollo really surprise at their state. Balder in the other hand was to worry to catch his breath to even acknowledge what happen.

I take their hands and put it on my chest.

"Breath in..."

I show them how while they feel my chest inflated with oxygen and my heart beats.

"Breath out..."

They copied exactly what I do while closing their eyes.

"Again, breathe in... and then out"

We do that a few more times until they feel better. Once I made they were okey, I ask what happen. The other gods, where supporting them as they were gripping on me, not wanting to let go just yet. I didn't call them out on it, I know how scary it is to feel like your drowning and the best thing to calm yourself, my mom always said, is the heart beat. I think she was right.

"What happen?"

I ask calmly, trying to sound as reassuring as Yato is.

"My chest... started burning"

Balder saids confused at why that happen and quite frankly so am I. Gods don't need air... or so I thought.

"Like, at first all was good until suddenly I had this burning sensation on my chest"

Loki tried to express what he felt and it confuses me more until I started reliving the moments from the journey to the beach. They were sweating and in pain...That's is not normal for a god.

"Is it possible that now you guys have human bodies?"

I ask trying to understand this crazy thought.

"...It is possible in theory"

Hades said in deep thought.

"Wait- what if the shackles don't only suppress our powers but give us human bodies"

Dion saids, making my head spin about the shackles. When did that happen?? I should really start paying more attention.

"That would explain why the journey was so tiring"

Takeru adds as I just try to wrap my head around this madness... I need a cigar.

"*sigh* are you guys ok?"

I ask worries about them. They might be gods but the last couple of days have been quite pleasant.

"Don't worry, miss Athena. I'm alright."
"Agree, we'll be alright, Fairy"
"... can't say the same about me, my chest still hurts."

When Loki says this I frown. It's late already we should definitely go back.

"Ok, then let's go back. We can come back tomorrow."
"kitten,I'll be alright"

I ignore the awful nickname and start getting out of the cozy hot spring.

"It's late either way. We should definitely wrap up."

They give me a sad look, specially mister my chest still hurts.

"Don't look at me like that, come on. We can have an official sleepover"
"What's is a sleepover?"

Hades asks and I smile tiredly.

"Basically when you sleep over at a friends house together, like we did yesterday"
"I see"

Tosukito responds and when I look at him, he is taking notes.

"You don't have to take notes, love"

He ignores me and I roll my eyes at him. I look for the towels the boys brought and wrapped myself with one like a hot burrito. As I do that the guys start getting out of the hot spring. I notice that Apollo was acting a bit strange so I approach him and putted my palm in his forehead. He was a little to hot, we definitely should leave the hot spring.

"Are you ok, sunshine?"

He leans in my touch while closing his eyes.

"I will be"
"Want me to carry you back?"
"No, I'm alright"
"If you said so, sunshine"

Before I could make sure that he was actually ok, Loki's whiny bitch voice comes up in my neck.

"Athenaaaa~ you were supposed to carry me~ I'm the one in pain"

I roll my eyes at him and crotch down a bit to carry him like a bride. He yelps, not expecting my move.

"Sorry, princess. I'll make sure to take extra good care of you."

I say teasing him.

"Oh~ kitten has moves~"

He teases me back but his lightness keeps bothering me.

"Hey, what did you eat for breakfast?"

I ask, trying to understand why he is so abnormally light like a freaking feather.

"I don't usually have breakfast, why?"
"Well from now on you will"

He frowned at me and i just smooth it over.

"Dude, you are insanely light"
"That's not good at all!!"

We keep arguing until we reached the cabin where I let him down.

"This is not up to discussion, you will eat"
"No, I'm not"
"Breakfast is the most important meal!!"
"I don't care!!"

Rolling my eyes at him, I give up arguing with him and just go to my room.

"Where are you going?"

Dionysus asks

"I'm gonna take a quick shower and then I'll be back with some pillows and blankets"
"Ok, I'll make some snacks then"
"Thank youuuuu"

He chuckles at my silliness. When I go to my room, I quickly go to take a shower and took out the menstruar cup . Then I got dress, took my pillow and blanket and went down stairs.

"Guys, I'm going to your rooms to get your pillows and blankets"
"I'll go with you."

To be continued......

......I'm still inspired, please enjoy!!!

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