Chapter 35

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"Jovana? Jovana? Wake up."

I opened my eyes and I was back in my dressing room with Jade, and Cindy.

"What happened?"

"We aren't completely sure, we don't know where Hayes is and there are maybe 200 girls, 100 of them are missing." Cindy said as she started to call someone.

"We found you on a couch by the vending machines, well, Cindy did." Jade said handing me a glass of water.

"It looks like you might have been hit on the head with something or you might have just fainted. Cindy is calling another body guard, Hailey, she has more experience with checking for injuries and treating them." Tammy said, she was sitting on the couch opposite of me.

"I remember some of what happened. Hayes and I went on a walk through the hallways, I punched him so he grabbed me and started running with me over his shoulder. I guess he took a wrong turn because a whole bunch of girls saw him and started chasing us. He put me down and I ran over to the couches. I don't remember what happened after that." I said drinking the water Jade gave me.

"Hailey is gonna be here in a little while, she will tell us what happened." Cindy said, putting her phone away.

"I need to go find Hayes." I said getting up.

"No, you need to rest." Jade said. "We are going to find Hayes."

There was a knock on the door a girl walked in, Im guessing it was Hailey because she is wearing exactly what Cindy is wearing.

"Where is she?" she asked looking around the room.

"Right here." I said raising my hand.

She came over to me and started looking at the back of my head.

"You have a small bump witch might have accrued today or a few years back. Any head injuries you can think about?"

"None that I can think of."

"You should ice it for a few minutes and the bump should go away. For now Im going to have all of the body gaurds watch who they are supposed to be watching. Cindy can you make a quick call to all of them? I hope you feel better."

Hailey then left and started to make the phone calls. I then realized that Jade left. I grabbed my phone and went on twitter, I had about a million more followers and people were starting to favorite my tweets. I started going through my mentions and reading them.

"Your so pretty and I'm happy that Hayes has you to make him happy"
*favorited and retweeted*

"I don't understand why your getting hate because if Hayes is happy, Im happy."
*favorited and retweeted*

"You skank, leave Hayes alone he can find a girl better than you." I decided to reply to this persons tweet.

"Why? So you can hate on the girl whos "better than me" like your hating on me?" I replied feeling confident. I then started going through my mentions again.

"I ship Jayes!"
*favorited and retweeted*

"Jovana is so lucky and so pretty I wish I was her."
*favorited, and replied to*

"Your so pretty and I bet you can make anyones day go from 0 to 100 real quick 😂" After I replied to her I closed twitter and put my phone on the table.

"We cant find Hayes, but almost all of the girls that were missing are back and pissier than ever. Jovana, we need you to fill in for Hayes for the Q&A." Chad said as he walked in.

Secret Admirer (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora