Chapter 38

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"After your Q&A I expect us to start where we left off." Jovana said as I walked out. I smiled to myself as I shut the door. I started towards the stage when I ran into Cameron.

"Oooh Hayes is blushing!" He said looking at me and laughing.

"No I am not!" I said trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh yes you are! Did Pooh Bear make out with his girlfriend?"


"Did you get it on?"

"Cameron stop. We did nothing."



"Okay, whatever you say, but I'm heading back to the dressing room and I will force it out of Jovana. One of you will tell me."

"It wasn't even bad."

"Yeah, okay." He winked at me and I started to leave but he grabbed my arm. "Have you seen Hailey?"

"Your body gaurd? Why, did you guys get it on."

"NO BUT HE WISHES THEY DID." I heard Nash's voice say from behind a curtain. Then a clumsy Nash fell right in front of Cameron and I.

"Wow Nash, you always know how to make a great entrance." I said laughing at him as he got up.

"Yeah, I saw her go into the storage closet over there." Nash said nudging Cameron with his elbow. "I saw her go in with some guy."

"Whoa, who is this motherfucker and whats he doing with my girlfrie- I mean body guard.". Cameron said as he ran to the storage closet only to open a door and a mop fall on him.

"Hahhaha!" Nash said as he ran off and an angry Cam following with a mop in his hand.

I chuckled and was about to go on stage but saw that Nash already ran onto the stage. I then saw a letter with my name on it on the stairs. Thinking it was from Jovana I grabbed it and started opening it as I walked back into the dressing room.

*The letter*

Dear Hayes,
We have taken Jovana somewhere and we don't plan on giving her back until you come and confess your un-dying love for me and kiss me right in front of her. Funny how when you leave someone alone for a few minutes they could vanish just like that. Don't worry, we left you a few clues as to where she is.

Your true love.

Jovana? They took Jovana?! I didn't know what to think, I opened the dressing room door and she wasn't in there, there was a note on the couch in the exact same place she was sitting before I left... On that note were coordinates.


I woke up in a dark room and I though Hayes was fooling around until I realized that I was tied to a chair with duck tape around my mouth.

My first thought is, "Hayes, where the fuck is Hayes." I looked around and noticed two doors, one to my right and one in front of me. I was guessing by the way I was positioned that the door in front of me was probably the door that whoever was keeping me here would come in through and the other door to my right was either a closet, an exit, or lord knows what.

The doors in front of me opened and two girls walking in, one was tall with blonde hair and the other was about my height and had black hair. I could not tell what their faces looked like because they were far away and the only light was the light behind them. The taller one turned on the lights and I realized that I was in a garage.

"Well hello, Jovana." the shorter girl said as she ripped off my duck tape and I made a high pitched yelp. "Shut up!" she yelled and slapped me. My face was probably red with her hand print and I could feel a tear rolling down my cheek, making it burn even more.

"Don't speak until spoken to, understand?" The taller one said, as she sat down at a table that was off to left... I guessI didn't see it when I looked around the room.

The shorter girl went to sit down with the other girl. The taller one rolled her chair back a little, pulled out a phone, and kicked her feet up onto the table. She started calling someone and put it on speaker.

"Jovana? Where are you?" I heard Hayes' voice come from the phone. At that point I realized that they were calling from my phone.

"Hayes?!" I said as I started to cry.

"What did I tell you about not talking?" The shorter one said walking towards me, this time slapping my other cheek.

"Hi love, I have Jovana here with me, but I would much rather have you here bae." the taller one started talking to him as the short one stood behind me with her hand over my mouth.

"What have you done with her?"

"Why would you care, I'm the one you really care about."

After she said that I bit the girls hand and hard as I could. I bit her so hard I ripped off a piece of flesh from her finger. I immediately spit it out and started spitting her blood out of my mouth.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" She yelled grabbing her finger.

"Hayes I have to go, I love you, can't wait to see you, bye." She hung up and came over to me and punched me in the nose. "Let's go to the ER, who know's what kind of STD this slut has." She said grabbing the shorter girls arm and leaving.

Lucky for me these girls were idiots and not only did they forget to cover my mouth with duck tape again, but they were too stupid to take off my ring which I started to use to break through the rope.

Secret Admirer (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora