Chapter 21

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I don't know why I ever agreed to this, at first I was fine with it, but now I just want to leave. I didn't say anything the rest of the ride, I just texted Scott. I told him that I might want him to come with us, to catch the first plane to Chicago.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry about that. I'm an idiot I should've kept my mouth shut." Nash said, scooting closer to me.

"No, it's fine, it's just that you are four years older than me, this would never work out." I said looking up and seeing that Cameron and Jovana were having a conversation.

"Well, I know people who's parents are five, maybe even six years apart."

"Yeah, but do you think they started dating when one was thirteen and the other was seventeen?"

"Probably not, but we could make it work."

"I'm sorry, but I like someone else and I don't think this will work out."

"Why not? When Jovana and Hayes start dating we will see each other all the time."

"But who says they will?"

"Hayes and well... Cam and I."

"But what about Jovana, or her parents? What about MY parents, Nash?"

"We will figure something out."

"And our heights? I'm five foot, one and you are six feet tall."

"It sounds like you are trying to find reasons as to why it won't work out, but it will, and I will find a way to make you stop thinking that it won't."

We came to a stop and the door opened. Jovana and Cameron walked out, then before I left, Nash grabbed my hand.

"Just give me one chance, and I promise I won't mess it up." He was giving me puppy dog eyes and I didn't even have to rethink my answer.

"Okay, but only one chance because I know this won't work out." I let go of his hand and turned away then walked out of the limo.

"Are you sure? My luggage is really heavy." Jovana said as Cameron put Jovana's travel-on backpack on his back, grabbed his duffle and grabbed her Suit case.

"Yes, Jovana I'm sure, it's not a problem." Cameron said taking out the rest of the luggage and shutting the trunk.

"Thank you Cameron." Jovana said.

I went to go grab my bag, but Nash stopped me.

"Here, let me." He smiled and grabbed my suit case and his duffle.

We thanked the driver then walked into the air port.

*fast forward to half an hour later*

We finally got to our waiting area after half an hour of security checks and stuff and put all of our stuff down.

"I want to go walk around to the gift shops and resturants." I said starting to walk away.

"I'm coming with you, Jovana, Cameron, you guys stay with our stuff." Nash stood up and walked over to me.

Once we were out of their sight I started laughing.

"What's so funny?" He looked down at me and smiled.

"The height difference." I said looking up at him.

"Well, that has some perks."

"Like what?"

"Get on my back."

I got on his back and he started walking.

"Hey, let's go in there that's a cute bag." I said pointing to a store with a tie-dye hobo bag in the display case at the front of the store.

"Okay." He said without hesitating.

"Oh my god! It's Nash Grier!" Some girls said that were already in the store when we got in. "Can we take a picture?"

Nash got my off of his back and went over to the girls to take a picture, they looked to be about 16.

"Who is she?" One of the girls asked Nash, pointing to me.

"That's my gir-" he stopped and looked at me for permission, I nodded my head. "This is my girlfriend, Jade." He said walking over to me and grabbing my hand.

"She looks like she's 13." The same girl said.

I looked up at Nash, tears almost falling from my eyes. I knew this wouldn't work, now I have to deal with hate too.

"As a matter of fact, she is." He said squeezing my hand and looking down at me.

"Oh, do you have an Instagram or a Twitter?" The girl who asked for a picture, asked me.

"Yeah, my Twitter is Jadeee with three e's and a capital J, and my Instagram is jadybug."

"Okay thanks, can we take a picture too?"

"Yeah, sure." I said smiling.

"Thank you so much, buy Nash, by Jade!"

"Bye." I smiled and waved to the two girls as they left.

"So, it's official then?" Nash said, smiling and grabbing my hand.

I wonder how this is going to work out.


Secret Admirer (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora