Chapter 36

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Hayes's Q&A was about to start and I don't think Im going to get more nervous today than I am now. I mean a room with me and 300 girls, what could go wrong?

"What's up Chicagoooo!" Chad said over the mic and the crowd screamed. "How's everybody doing today?" more screams were heard. "Hayes isn't feeling well, so his girlfriend is going to be here answering your questions.... MAKE SOME NOISE FOR JOVANA!"

That was my que (idk how to spell it)... I walked out onto the stage and Chad gave me the microphone, the crowd was going crazy. "If you ever feel awkward say peanut butter." Chad whispered into my ear before he left the stage.

"So, how is everyone doing today?" The crowd screamed. "This is my first time on a stage like this, and I apologize if I'm a little awkward or something.... I know Hayes isn't here right now, but I will do my best to answer your questions."

One of the security guards had a microphone and handed it to one of the girls. "Where are you from?"

"I live in LA near Cameron and Nash." I replied.

"Is that how you and Hayes met?" She asked again.

"No, it's more complicated than that."

"Can you tell us the story of how you met?"

"I would rather have Hayes tell you the story."

The security guard took her mic and passed it to another girl.

"Are you only dating Hayes for the fame?"

"Well, to be honest, in the beginning I was, but after we actually met it just felt so, well, right."

"What do you mean when you say "when we actually met"?"

"That also goes along with the story on how we met."

The security guard passed the microphone to the next person.

"How does it feel to date Hayes?"

"It feels like we were made for each other because we act so similar. It feels like any other relationship I've been in, no, it doesn't it feels like so much more."

"Aww, you guys are so cute. Do you think it will last?"

"I hope, I really do."

Chad then rushed on stage and whispered something to one of the security guards then came to me.

"Hayes is back and he wants to see you, I think he's mad." I dropped the mic and ran back stage. When I saw him I started crying.

"Hayes where were you?" I asked hugging him.

"By the time I lost the rest of the girls, I realized that the Q&A had already started so I started coming back and saw a jewelry store and got this." He opened a box with a beautiful necklace inside.

"Hayes you shouldn't ha-"

"No, I shouldn't have bought it, when were you gonna tell me our relationship was all about fame?"

"It's not."

"Well why would you say that?"

"I said it isn't. Now it isn't. Before it was and I was stupid and didn't know you like I do now. I'm sorry Hayes."

"I don't know if I should believe you." He started to walk away.

"Hayes. Please, don't leave me."

"How do I know?"

"Because I have been put through a lot of shit and hate because I'm with you. Hayes if I didn't like you I wouldn't still go through this."

"If you were famous you would still get hate."

"Listen, I fangirled over you, A LOT, and when we first talked I didn't know you how I do now, I thought, 'Wow, Hayes Grier likes me' but now Im thinking, 'Wow, my boyfriend is amazing'. Heck, if this was for fame, the girls would've chased me too."

"You know, I read all of your tweets multiple times, and I knew we would bond and that you would understand me at least a little. You know how hard it is to make friends, let alone find a girlfriend that wont like me for fame?"

I hugged him, I could tell that he was about to cry, but so was I.

Secret Admirer (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora