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Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“Ma'am, how many times do I have to tell you that I won't fire him just because you pay me? He hasn't done anything wrong to me and my convenience store. He is a trustworthy person too.”

Taehyung can hear that before he can even step inside the store where he was working. It was his manager's voice, Sulyeon, and he was surely talking to Jungkook's mother, Mirae, who wanted him to suffer more by paying people who were about to help him.

But since Sulyeon doesn't like Mirae, he doesn't obey her, even though Mirae is a rich person who is known in the business industry.

“Why aren't you listening to me? Don't you know that I can take this down?” Mirae spoke.

“Do it, Ma'am, I don't care. You've been threatening me for quite so long now. So please, if you have nothing more to say, leave my store, now!” Sulyeon responded with an annoyed tone.

“You will regret this.”

Taehyung saw Mirae coming toward him. He just kept his eyes on her, and she stopped for a moment.

“Disgusting,” Mirae muttered and walked away from him.

That word doesn't hurt Taehyung anymore. She's been saying numerous hateful words to him even the time he was living with them. She was acting kind in front of Jungkook, but when Jungkook was gone, she treated him like trash.

He even remembered how she made him like a maid during his pregnancy with Jungsoo. He almost miscarriages Jungsoo at that time, but because of a miracle, Jungsoo was saved.

“Seriously, that woman won't stop bugging me. She badly wants me to dismiss you. The hypocrisy of that woman.” Sulyeon said frustratedly.

“Thank you, Sir.” Taehyung uttered.

At least, there are few decent people like his manager.

“You don't need to thank me, what I did is nothing. I will surely be going to ban her. Don't mind her, we should go back to our work now.” Sulyeon shook his head.

Taehyung just nodded his head and wore a uniform vest for the convenience store. And went behind the counter since he is a cashier.

He doesn't understand why Mirae hates him so much. As far as he knew, he didn't do anything to her. He wasn't sure if being gay was the reason she hated him because she supported the LGBT campaign. But he could tell that there was a high chance that might be the reason too.


His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his manager's voice.

“Sir?” Taehyung responded, looking at his manager.

“You don't have to worry about her, I'm not going to let her manipulate me. I will help you as long as I can. We're both in the same boat, so I won't let it sink. You trust me, right?” Sulyeon spoke.

“Yes, sir.” Taehyung smiled a bit.

“I know that you are facing a lot of catastrophes in your life, don't let it pull you down. Just go through it and everything will come to an end. I'm sure you are strong enough to fight them. One day, you will be successful, and if that day comes, don't let anyone take you down. So, Taehyung-ah, be strong, okay? Fighting!” Sulyeon cheered him up.

Taehyung wiped off his tears and nodded his head with a smile on his face.

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