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Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The club didn't report the incident.


It's because they were VIP customers.

Of course, they can't lose customers like them. It means they will lose money too if they did that. They just decided to ban Mr. Chong in the meantime and suspended Taehyung too. That's how they solved the incident.

Taehyung had no choice too because he won't get his salary if he goes against them. Even though it hurts him physically and emotionally.

“I'm sorry for what happened to you, Taehyung.” Gyeo apologized even though he did nothing wrong.

“It's okay, I'm not hurt.” Taehyung covered his pain with his forced smile.

They were currently in front of Taehyung's house. Gyeo decided to drop him off to make sure he will be fine.

“Are you going to tell him?” Gyeo asked.

“Why would I? We're divorced.” Taehyung replied.

“Still, he might care about you. You are the father of Jungsoo too.” Gyeo stated.

“He wouldn't care at all, I'm not his priority or someone he should mind. Our relationship already ended, and he has someone new.” Taehyung giggled bitterly.

“How are you going to explain this to Jungsoo? Your bruises and wounds were noticeable.” Gyeo uttered.

“Don't worry, I can make an excuse about that.” Taehyung retorted.

“Okay, if that's what you say.” Gyeo sighed, knowing he couldn't do something for him.


“Yes?” Gyeo responded, looking at him.

“Do you think I'm a good father?” Taehyung inquired.

“Of course, you are, Taehyung. You've done a lot for your son. Why would you ask something like that? You don't need to doubt yourself. You are a good father. What happened to your right now won't make you a bad father. You are a victim here, Taehyung.” Gyeo stated.

“I'm sorry, I just ask, I thought I'm still not enough. Thank you for telling me.” Taehyung smiled a bit.

“You should take a rest instead, I'm sure you are exhausted right now.” Gyeo uttered, ruffling his hair.

“Thank you for tonight, good night.” Taehyung muttered.

“Good night too, I'll go now.” Gyeo said and left Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed and went inside his house. He was glad that everyone was sleeping now or else he will be messed up. He removed his shoes before he went to his room.

He saw Jungkook and Jungsoo already asleep. A smile formed on his lips, watching them together. He lay down behind Jungsoo while Jungkook was in front of Jungsoo.

If the cheating allegation didn't happen, they might be like this. But just because of that, everything was ruined.

Taehyung wonders, why does this have to happen to him?

He was happy with Jungkook and Jungsoo back then, but why did they break apart?

He thought they will live happily together as a family, but he was mistaken. If Jungkook trusted him enough, they will still be a complete family.

And now, he had nothing, even his family. He felt sorry for Jungsoo because he had to go through this kind of situation.

“I'm sorry, Jungsoo, I'm sorry, Jungkook.” Taehyung sobbed silently, hugging his son.

He blamed himself for what happened to them. Tears fell from his eyes while trying to silence his sobs. Meanwhile, Jungkook was fully awake, hearing what he just said and even his sobs.

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