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Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

“Why did you call, Mom?” Jungkook asked with frustration in his tone.

“What you took so long to answer your goddamn phone?!” Mirae responded in an irate tone.

“Look, Mom, I don't have time to argue with you right now. I'm in an emergency.” Jungkook sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

“What kind of emergency do you have right now, huh?! Don't you realize that you left Shin just to go to that stupid ex of yours?!” Mirae grumbled.

“He's in a bad condition, Mom. Can you stop saying shit?!” Jungkook retorted.

“So what? Let him die, so you don't have to deal with him. The reason you had to go back to him was because of Jungsoo. If he dies, Jungsoo won't look for him and Jungsoo will be yours.” Mirae stated.

“Mom, you didn't do this to him, no?” Jungkook asked.

There's quite of silence for a moment when Jungkook asked that question.

“Why… why are you suspecting me of what happened to him?! I can't kill people!” Mirae defended herself.

“We both know you can kill, Mom, but without dirtying your hands.” Jungkook snapped.

“You are saying nonsense, Jungkook! It's not my fault if he got beat up!” Mirae shouted.

“I didn't say he got beat up, Mom, how did you know that?”

And there it is again, a moment of silence for quite longer this time.

“Are you blaming me? I'm your mother, for god's sake, Jungkook!” Mirae yelled.

“You're right, you're my mother. But that doesn't make you innocent of what happened to Taehyung. If I find out that you have a connection to this, I will make sure you will be buried 6ft underground.” Jungkook warned her.

“Are you threatening me? You are insane!” Mirae retorted, annoyed.

“Can't help it, I inherited that from you, Mother.” Jungkook ended the call and let out a sigh.

If his mother was really the mastermind of what happened to Taehyung, he will make sure she will pay, whether she was his mother or not.

Jungkook went to Taehyung's room, where he was confined. Jungsoo was already there, sleeping on the couch, surely because of tiredness. He put a pillow under Jungsoo's head and covered him with a blanket.

He looked at Taehyung, who was still unconscious. He noticed how swollen and red his face was because of the incident.

Jungkook was frustrated to see Taehyung in this situation. Since the day he got married to him, he promised that Taehyung won't get hurt, no matter what happened.

That's why he always makes sure that Taehyung was safe. He doesn't want Taehyung to experience his worst teenage life. Knowing what Taehyung's teenage life was, he promised that he will prevent it from happening again.

But he felt like he failed because Taehyung went through the same experience again, even though they are divorced.

“I'm sorry, I failed.” Jungkook uttered with a shaky tone, holding Taehyung's hand.

He can't help but blame himself for what happened to Taehyung. It still hurts him to see Taehyung like this.

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