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Chapter 37

Taehyung finally woke up from his sleep, he felt good, but something was off. He didn't know why, but he felt nervous.

“Appa, are you okay?” He looked beside him and saw Jungsoo crawling on the bed.

“Yes, baby, Appa is fine.” Taehyung smiled and sat up on the bed.

“Do you need some drink, Appa? Are you hungry? I don't know if there's food in the fridge, Dad didn't tell me anything about food. Sorry, if Jungsoo can't cook for you.” Jungsoo pouted.

“Don't worry, baby, Appa is alright. I am not hungry.” Taehyung giggled and ruffled Jungsoo's hair.

“Are you sure, Appa? I know how to order food online, I can do it for you so you won't get stressed.” Jungsoo stated proudly.

“It seemed like my baby was enthusiastic today, hah, what happened to you? Did something good happen while I'm asleep?” Taehyung playfully said and giggled.

“Yes, yes, I got good news, Appa.” Jungsoo excitedly said with his eyes glistening because of excitement.

“Really? Tell me what is it.” Taehyung asked.

“Because Appa is pregnant, Dad told me to be a good boy so Appa won't get stressed. I don't want something to happen to your health and my sibling. I'm excited to see my sibling.” Jungsoo said enthusiastically.

That made Taehyung freeze.

What? He's pregnant again? Since when?

If he's pregnant and Jungkook knew it, what was Jungkook's reaction? Did he like it or not?

Maybe not, that's why he wasn't here right now.

What he's going to do? What will happen now?

Will Jungkook throw him out of the cabin?

What if Mirae found out about his unborn baby?

She already disliked Jungsoo, it will be worse if she found out about the baby in his stomach.

“Appa, are you okay? What are you thinking?”

He stopped overthinking when he heard Jungsoo's voice.

“Huh? Ah yeah, but where is your dad?” Taehyung asked his son.

“He said he had to attend an important meeting, that's why he's not here. Do you want me to call him? I'm sure Dad will go back here right now.” Jungsoo replied, looking at Taehyung.

“No, it's okay, I…”

A doorbell interrupted Taehyung from speaking.

“Oh, I guess that must be Uncle Jimin, I'll go take a look.” Jungsko got down on the bed and ran downstairs.

Taehyung can't help but overthink Jungkook's reaction.

“Wait a minute, Uncle Jimin.” Jungsoo uttered and tiptoed his feet to reach the doorknob.

When he opened it, he was confused by the person in front of him.

“Who are you, Sir?” Jungsoo asked because he wasn't familiar with the person.

“Where's your Appa? I'm his friend.” The person smiled.

“Appa is in the room, what do you need?” Jungsoo inquired.

“Ah, I just need to tell him something important, will you let me in?” The person responded.

“I'll call Appa, I'm sorry I can't let you in because Dad told me not to.” Jungsoo replied.

“Don't worry, I'm your Dad's friend too.” The person told him.

“Then, I'll call Dad and ask him if he knew you, so I can let you in. Tell me your name first.” Jungsoo insisted on letting him in.

“Ah, fuck shit, so annoying.”

The person suddenly grabbed Jungsoo's face, covering his mouth and nose. Jungsoo squirmed around, but it didn't work because he passed out.

The person put Jungsoo down on the couch, making him as if he were just sleeping. But the person accidentally hit the vase beside the couch.

“Jungsoo, what's that? What happened to you?”

Taehyung came out of the room because of the noise. His eyes widened when he saw who it was, but before he can even react, he was shot in his chest.

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