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Chapter 36

“Have you lost your mind, Jungkook? Are you even sure that baby is yours?! That stupid husband of yours is whoring around when you two separated. That baby must not be yours.” Mirae pointed out.

“He's just a week pregnant, Mom, and he's on my property. How could he even flirt with someone if there's a person who is trying to kill him? I am sure that baby is mine because we had sex the day after you visited the cabin with Shin. Do you remember now?” Jungkook grimaced.

“You… You've gone insane, Jungkook, how could you have sex with someone if you have already a fiancé? That's so disrespectful of you.” Mirae slammed the table out of anger.

“Someone? Taehyung isn't someone to me, he's the father of our child… I mean children soon. Is that wrong to have sex with the person I truly love?” Jungkook grinned.

“Seriously, what's wrong with you? Are you crazy? You've ruined everything!” Mirae shouted.

“Sorry? But I don't quite remember ruining everything. I might guess, I ruined your plans. However, that's something I should have apologized for. I'm just enjoying my life with my husband.” Jungkook smiled innocently.

“You know that you're going to get married, why did you even mess up everything? You did this intentionally, don't you?” Mirae snarled.

“Intentionally? Yeah, you're right, I wanted to make Taehyung pregnant, that's why I'm so happy when he got pregnant. I couldn't even hide my happiness because I'll take that chance to make him mine again.” Jungkook sneered.

“This is so hilarious, I can't believe I'm hearing this from you.” Mirae gritted her teeth.

“Anyway, like I said, I can't stay here any longer. I have to go now, my husband must be awake at this moment. Have a nice day to all of you.” Jungkook stood up from the chair and left the mansion.

“You disappointed us, Mirae, you promised us that my daughter will get married to him. But he didn't even agree to this wedding.” Shin-ah said, looking at Mirae, disappointed.

“Just give me some time, I'll talk to him. I could fix it, it's all a misunderstanding.” Mirae tried to talk to them.

“No, Mirae, we already give you enough time. You are just giving us a false hope, as always, you failed us.” Yungso stood up from the chair.

“Wait, trust me, I can really resolve this issue. He will listen to me, their wedding is scheduled for next month. You guys don't have to worry because it will be going to happen.” Mirae told them.

“No, I am backing off with your offer. I will take my share from your company too. This is so frustrating, we shouldn't make an agreement with you.” Yungsoo and his family left the house.

Mirae screamed out her frustration and anger. She can't believe everything of her plans was ruined just like that because of her stupid son.

“Get rid of him, now.” Mirae spoke through her phone.

“How about the kid?”

“If that kid annoys you too, kill him too. It would be better if they will die, they are useless in my life.” Mirae said.

“Okay, I'll do what you want.”

Mirae smirked when the call ended, she will really go to the extent just to make her plans work.

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