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Chapter 26

Taehyung was trembling, Jungkook didn't stop beating the delivery guy even though that guy was already unconscious on the ground with Jungkook on top of him, punching him non-stop.

Taehyung wanted to stop him, but he couldn't even move his legs an inch. And he was worried about Jungsoo, who was still in his arms.

“Jungkook!” He looked at the gate and saw Jin rushing toward Jungkook.

It seemed that Jungkook didn't want to oblige, but Jin was strong enough to pull Jungkook off the guy.

“Stop, he's unconscious now!” Jin shouted in Jungkook's face who was raging in anger.

Jungkook looked at him with a clenched jaw and Jin gave him a ‘You can't do it.’ look and glanced at Taehyung who was looking at them with a frightened look. Jungkook immediately understood and slightly pushed Jin away.

“Fuck” Jungkook cursed, pushing his hair.

Right, he can't do it right in front of his family. There's no way he wanted them to witness him doing it. He's frustrated that he can't do ‘it’.

“The police are coming now to arrest him, you should calm down.” Jin said.

Jungkook went to Taehyung and touched his hands. He knelt in front of him.

“Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” He asked while checking Taehyung's body to check if he got hurt by that bastard.

“I… I'm fine” Taehyung anxiously replied, swallowing hard.

While looking at Jungkook's eyes, he can see how worried Jungkook is.

Did Jungkook still care for him?

Or maybe, it was just a false hope?

Nevertheless, he was glad that Jungkook came at the right time before something else happened to him.

“Are you sure? He didn't do something to you, right? Please tell me the truth.” Jungkook's voice was soft and calm yet shaky.

And their eyes met, Taehyung couldn't be wrong, he can see tears forming in Jungkook's eyes as if he would cry at any moment. Even though his face doesn't show much, his body did. His hands were trembling while holding Taehyung's hand.

“I'm really okay, you just came at the right time.” Taehyung responded, nibbling his bottom lip.

Why would Jungkook get teary? It's not his fault and responsible for what happened to him.

“Dad, what's wrong? Is everything okay?” Jungsoo asked, peeking his head to look at his dad.

“It's nothing, you and your Appa should go inside the house first, okay?” Jungkook was quick to hide his right fist with the blood on his knuckles.

“W… where are you going?” Taehyung asked.

“I just have to fix something, don't worry, it won't take long.” Jungkook smiled and patted Taehyung's head.

Taehyung's hunch told him it wasn't something good, but how could he tell that to Jungkook? Will Jungkook even listen to him?

“Alright” Taehyung stood up and picked up Jungsoo.

He glanced at Jungkook for a moment before going inside the house.

“I guess we had to clean the dirt.” Jin spoke, who was behind Jungkook.

They heard a police siren coming to the cabin.

“Make sure he won't leave any traces here.” Jungkook said.

“I understand.”

Surely, Jin will be unexpectedly going to be busy today.

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