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( Sam's POV )


I was at a club with my good friends tee, Jim, and kade. We were having fun. We drank and dance like anyone else would.

We kept cracking jokes like we always did. They have seen a side of me no one has ever seen. Not even my own grandmother

We continued to dance until kade tapped my shoulder, "Sam, that guy there keeps looking at you and I just wanted to tell you"  she said

I looked over at the man and saw he was drinking a glass of wine.

He had brown hair, he was skinny, tall, and has a tattoo in his ring finger. I tried to shake it off but it was just uncomfortable.

I eventually forgot about it and decided to just keep on having fun. I wasn't going to let some random creepy guy get in the way of me having fun. All I do is work and work and work. It feels good to have fun and be free every once a while.

"Sam" Jim tapped my shoulder. "I'm going to go get more drinks with kade and tee do you want to come or do you wanna continue dancing?"

"I'll wait, bring me something back please" I replied to her.

I continued to dance until I felt the urge to go to the bathroom.

Before I left I decided to take one last look at the man that was staring at me.

Once I looked he wasn't there, he must've left when I wasn't looking.

I shook it off and decided to go to the bathroom.

I was about to go in until the guy appeared behind me. He grabbed me from my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Hey pretty lady, what's your name?" He said.

"Get off of me" I replied, trying to get away from his strong grip.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you? He says, chuckling and pulling me even closer.

At that time I didn't know how to fight or defend my self.

Just then a pretty girl came up to us.

( Mons POV)

I was at a club with my friend, yuki. I didn't know anyone there but it seems like she knew half of the people there inside.
I pretty much followed her everywhere.

"Mon let's get some drinks!" She asks.

"Oh yes good idea" I reply

Yuki had just gotten out of a relationship at that time. I came up with the idea of going to a bar to distract her for a while so she doesn't have to be so glumly and be home alone.

We pretty much talked about the most random things. It went from talking about work to taking care of a cat then to becoming a chef.

It's good that she was distracted, I don't really like seeing my friends sad.

"Mon I'm going to go say hi to my other friend over there, are you going to stay or come?" She asked

"Oh I'll stay ! you go and have fun" I replied.

She smiled at me then took off to see her other friends.

I was looking around at the bar until something caught my eye..

A girl about 3 years older than me was being followed by some random creep I couldn't really see her face at all but I could tell something was off. He didn't look like he could be her boyfriend because why would her boyfriend be looking at her from way afar? She also looked pretty uncomfortable.

I was making sure she was okay without approaching her but something told me to keep my eyes on her, so I did.

Once I saw the guy get up and leave towards the bathrooms I also seemed to notice the girl going that same direction.

I watched her every move & I noticed how she looked back to see if the guy was still there. Once she realized he was not there she decided to continue to go towards the bathrooms.

Something just gave off a bad vibe so I decided to follow her.

I got up from the bar stool and grabbed my bag. Luckily there wasn't a lot of people near the bathroom area. They were all crowded on the dance floor. I didn't want to seem like another creep so I hid behind a wall to try to hear what they were saying.

"Hey pretty lady, what's your name?" I heard him ask.

"Get off of me" the girl replied.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" He said as he chuckled.

I knew the girl was uncomfortable so I had to do what I had to do.

"She said get off of her" I said, pushing him off the girl

"What? Do you want a kiss too? Or is this your little girlfriend?" He replied as he fixed his hair.

"No I don't, and yes she is my girlfriend and what I want you to do is get the hell away from her before you regret it" I said, grabbing the girl from the wrist and pulling her behind me. I kind of regretted saying she was my girlfriend but what I wanted to do was just try to make him leave the poor girl alone

"Oh yeah, what will a girl like you d-"
Before he could finish his sentence I punched him on his jaw. He fell down dramatically and while he was on the floor I took the chance and ran outside with the girl.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes I am, thank you" she replied.

"No problem, are you here alone?" I asked

"No I'm here with my friends but I don't think I want to go back inside" she said as she tried to not show her face.

"I'll take you home then, my name is Mon by the way" I say. I didn't want her to think I was like the guy back there so i tried to introduce myself to get her distracted for a bit.

"Oh um I'm.." she didn't finish her sentence. Instead she lifted her head up a bit and I immediately knew who she was.

"Lady Sam?!" I say, shocked. "Let me take you home, come on my car isn't far from here"

"No no it's okay I can walk" she replies as she lets go off my hand.

"I insist. It's pretty cold out here so you'll get sick"

She finally gave in and decided to let me take her home.

Once we both got in my car I got a sweater I had from the back seat and put it on her.

"I'll turn on the heater right now, just relax" I say, reassuring her that everything is okay.

Before I left I texted yuki id be leaving.

( Sam's POV)

Mon. Her name is Mon.

I'll always remember her name.

If it wasn't for her what would've happened to me.

God sent me and angel from heaven.

I promise I will do anything to protect this girl.

*End of flashback*


I'm so sorry for not updating I'm so busy with soccer and soccer games !! Please pardon me I'm trying to try my best to write chapter when I have a little bit of free time. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far !!

- br1

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