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(Sam's POV)

I just wish she was awake. Maybe I should try to climb into her bedroom window.
Let me try!

UGH the worst part is I'm wearing heels. How will I get over her gate?! Or on her roof?

I walked back and forth from her gate to my car until I remembered something.
I have backup sneakers in my trunk!
I quickly popped open my trunk and started to look for them. It was so messy, I should really take some of these stuff I don't use and put them in my closet.

I got the sneakers out and though it felt gross putting my sneakers on with no socks, I managed.

I shut down the trunk and quickly climbed over the gate without making much noise.
I succeeded jumping over her gate but now I just got to find a way to get inside her bedroom through her only window.

I found a ladder near the side of their house and used that to climb half of her house. I got on her roof and tried to maintain balance.
I was still afraid of heights but I'm doing this for Mon.
Finally I made it outside her bedroom window. Luckily it was open, she should really remember to lock it. I quickly and quietly snuck in but I might've made lots of noise trying to get in.
I looked around but no one was there? Where is she?
I heard someone coming so I reacted quick and hid under her bed.

(Mons POV)

"Oh can you love me like, can you love me like, can you love me like that? I'll just keep repeating it. In case you didn't catch me.."

As music kept on playing on my headphones, Sam was the only thing in my mind. This whole day, she has never left my head. I just want to know if she's okay, what's going on with her? She was fine but now she's acting weird..

I sighed in frustration. I wanted something to distract me, but there was no one or nothing. Yuki is asleep, and I don't want to bother nop since he may have had a long day at work.

I suddenly got thirsty, my mouth felt dry. I reached over for my water bottle near my nightstand but it was empty. Guess I have to get up.

I went downstairs, still listening to music.

"One day, I will stop falling in love with you.
Some day someone will like me like I like you. Until then, I'll drink my coffee, eat my pie.
Pretend that we are more than friends.
And of course I'll let you break my heart again .."

I made my way into the kitchen and turned on the lights. I grabbed a glass and poured water into it. As I continued to drink water , I couldnt take Sam off my mind. I'm going crazy over her!

I finished my glass of water and out the glass cup inside the sink. I'll wash it tomorrow?
I headed back upstairs quickly after I turned off the lights.
I closed my door quietly before plopping back onto my bed. I got under the covers and started to listen to music. I was in my own little world. Just then I felt movement, except it wasn't mine. I saw someone's head pop out and I was too scared to scream. I grabbed a pillow and was about to hit the person until they spoke.

"Hi" said a familiar voice. I turned my on my nightlight next to me and saw who it was. It was Sam!

"Khun Sam!" I went up to her and jumped into her arms. "Where were you" I asked, my voice starting to get shaky. "I'm sorry I didn't call you back..I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't mean to, please forgive me princess" I felt bad for her, her apology seemed sincere. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're okay and safe" I hugged her once more and didn't let go for a full 2 minutes.

"I know you have lots of questions, but please listen to me" she says, she sounded sad and ashamed. "Yeah what is it?" I asked. She stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking up. "Today .. well I want to start off by saying I truly am sorry. I know you'll hate me for what I'm about to tell you and I don't blame you. I will explain why I did what I did at the end. But today I went to a club..which is why I'm wearing a dress, uhm not the point but I went to a club. Like any normal person I got drunk. I didn't have control of what I was doing. I didn't care at all. I danced, I drank. And...I met a girl and we danced and..she..I ..we went to the bathroom and we made out. But earlier, the reason why I did what I did was because I got jealous over you and nop. I was afraid you will choose him over me and want to leave me for him and obviously I like you, I really do and I know what I did is unforgivable but the girl...we talked and the reason I am here is because of her, her advice. She told me to come after you if I love you so much so of course I did...so now..I'm here" I was shocked at what she had said. Words couldn't come out my mouth even if I tried.

I couldn't process anything she had said. "Khun Sam..." I mumbled out. "Please never scare me like that ever again" she looked so confused but sad as well. "what?' she asked. "I'm not mad .. I'm happy you told me how you felt I know it must've been hard to tell me about this but you did it. You didn't hide it from me, this proves you're loyal. Even if you did make out with some random I'm glad you told me the same night, but please never do that again" I laughed. Her frown turned into a small cute smile. "Come here" I say, pulling her in for a hug.
"I'm sorry " she says.
"It's okay baby" I rubbed her back and made sure she knew I wasn't mad at her.

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